I'm trying to use the API to see if a user exists in the system. It is for an integration that we have. I have used the basic forms of the API in trigger scirpts, but I cannot figure out how to use the im view user in the trigger scripts. Could someone please let me know where I am either going wrong or where I can find API documentation for this? Everytime I try to use the addSelectionElement it tells me that it is not a function.
var api = eb.createAPISessionBean();
var command = Packages.com.mks.api.Command("im", "viewuser");
command.addSelectionElement(new java.lang.String(remedyRequestor));
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi Candice,
Try using command.addSelection(new java.lang.String(remedyRequestor));
The documentation for this can be found in the link for the "Java API Documentation" on the main page of your integrity server (http://hostname:7001).
This is different set of javadocs than the "Event Trigger Java Documentation" link, which has all teh documentaiton for the javascript beans.
Hope that helps,