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Creating a Build Sandbox used to populate with writable files in past versions of Integrity


Creating a Build Sandbox used to populate with writable files in past versions of Integrity

Does anyone know when PTC or MKS changed the way a Build Sandbox populates your local drive with "read-only" files instead of "writable" files or whatever you had the file set to when you checked it in?  Is there an option to set the "read-only" parameter to whatever the file was initially checked in as?  Note: I'm using Integrity 12.2.1 and in the past have used MKS 2005-2009.


Hi @reng,

Thank you for your question!

Your post appears well documented but has not yet received any response. I am replying to raise awareness. Hopefully, another community member will be able to help.

Also, feel free to add any additional information you think might be relevant. It sometimes helps to have screenshots to better understand what you are trying to do.


Best regards,

PTC Community Moderator

I don't know if there is a switch or default setting you could use when creating the sandbox, I had a quick look and couldn't find one (on 13.2 now).

To me, the solution is to select the top level of the sandbox and use the "Make File Writable" menu option.

This could be scripted and even turned into a custom action if you want.


First of all is this Laurent?  If so hello, from the past.

Your solution is fine as there are many ways to make the build sandbox files writable, but I'm wondering why it changed.  When you create a build sandbox of source files, you often want them writable as the compiler generally needs them writable to even generate an executable or object code.  Integrity only made regular sandbox files read-only to provide some indication that they weren't checked out and ready for editing.  Now it seems they took the same approach with a build sandbox which is not the original intent of a build sandbox.  


Yes, it is Laurent, hello from the future! 😊

I don't know when it changed, but I agree it's a pain.

Out teams have scripted their builds, so I'm pretty sure it's handled that way.

All the best!


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