Dear all,
after synchronizing a folder in Sandbox View, his childs havent been updated to actual versions (TimerHWV1.c; User 2).
User 1 sees in Project view the actual Version. User 2 doesn't get new Version after refreshing view (F5). After he has restarted PTC Integrity he got new Version?
Can anybody explain this inconsestency? In other projects the user does not have this problem. It has been occurred only one single time.
Within the PTC Integrity Client use F6 to resynchronize the sandbox.
Hello Jonas Fitz,
Did Daniel Richert's response help you resolve this issue? If so, please let us know by clicking on the Correct Answer button at the bottom of his post. If not, can you let us know what issue you're still running into, so that we can help you resolve your issue?
Hello Jonas Fitz,
Does User1 and User2 belongs to same location? I mean whether the User2 is connected via some Proxy connectivity?
This seams to be "metadata transfer between client and server database" is slow.
Also are the person connected using Wireless connectivity? If so just try connecting LAN cord and try the same scenario.
But I hope its purely because of connection strength between client and server.