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API to get the product serial number effectivities associated with a WTPart


API to get the product serial number effectivities associated with a WTPart

I have a set of WTParts whose serial number effectivity value has been entered wrong. I want to delete them using API.

What is the API to access the serial number effectivities associated with WTPart?

I know that I can delete the serial numbers using the following API:

PersistenceHelper.manager.delete((ProductSerialNumberEffectivity) serial);

But I am having trouble getting the ProductSerialNumberEffectivity for a particular WTPart.

Please help.

Thanks in advance


Hi Srinivas Morla

You may want to try this. I used this way back and sharing for your reference as it is. So you may need to modify and test it as per your business use case.

QueryResult qr2 = wt.effectivity.EffectivityHelper.service.getEffectivities(prt);    // Object of WTPart whose effectivity you want to delete...

while (qr2.hasMoreElements()) {

  Object obj = (Object) qr2.nextElement();

  System.out.println("Object-> " + obj.toString());

  if (obj.getClass().isAssignableFrom(wt.part.ProductSerialNumberEffectivity.class))


       System.out.println( " Found Serial Numbered Effectivity" );

       wt.part.ProductSerialNumberEffectivity serial = (wt.part.ProductSerialNumberEffectivity)obj;

       String sRange=serial.getRange().getStart().toString().trim();

       System.out.println("Start Range is --->"+sRange);

       if (serial.getRange().getEnd().toString().trim() != null)


            sRange += " - " + serial.getRange().getEnd().toString().trim();




            sRange += " - " + "<open>";


       // System.out.println(" Range: " + sRange);

       // System.out.println(" Effectivity Type: " + serial.getEffContext());

       System.out.println("*** Trying to delete Serial Effectivity ***");

       PersistenceHelper.manager.delete(serial);     // be careful here. Your deleting something....

       System.out.println("*** SerialNumbered Effectivity for WTPart: "+prt.getNumber()+" is succesfully deleted ***");




       System.out.println( "Effectivity other than Serial..." );



I hope this helps you.



Hi Shirish

I tried this code - I am faced with another unusual problem. I notice that the EffectivityHelper.service.getEffectivities(prt); API retrieves only WTDatedEffectivity objects, that is, according to your code I always get "Effectivity other than serial" printing in the console.

I thought the API was meant for date effectivity only, until I wrote a query to retrieve all serial number effectivity (just to check) using the following query:

QuerySpec qs = new QuerySpec(wt.part.ProductSerialNumberEffectivity.class)

QueryResult qr = PersistenceHelper.manager.find(qs);

This gave me a null result. I have several WTParts with serial number effectivities associated with them - I can see them in the Service Effectivity UI as well. But, for some reason, I am unable to retrieve them using API.

What could be the reason for this?

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