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I have one wizard page which i have to block for specific type (EPMDoc-Asm & EPMDoc-Prt).
Action.xml updated with onClick = callJS function:
<objecttype name="pacwizard" class="" resourceBundle="com.pac.agile.ui.resource.NavigationRB">
<action name="pushBOMWizard">
<command windowType="popup" class="XXXXX" method="execute" url="netmarkets/jsp/XX/XXPushBOMWizard.jsp" onclick="callJS"/>
<action name="show_mvc_content_bom">
<component windowType="wizard_step" name=""/>
<action name="show_jsp_content_bom" preloadWizardPage="false">
<command windowType="wizard_step" url="netmarkets/jsp/pac/pacShowJspContent.jsp"/>
Function details
function callJS()
//JS Logic to block the above mentioned type
Also I want to refresh the Whole wizard Step on clicking an wizard action button:
Wizard Declarations for Custom Button List:
<jca:wizard title="Publish Bill of Material" buttonList="xxxReplacementWizardButtons">
<jca:wizardStep action="show_mvc_content_bom" type="pacwizard" label="Publish BOM"/>
Action-Model for Custom Button :
<model name="xxxReplacementWizardButtons" >
<action name="validate" type="bompush"/>
<action name="publish" type="bompush"/>
Action details for the buttons with JS function for refresh:
<objecttype name="bompush" class="" resourceBundle="XXXXX">
<action name="validate">
<command class="" method="execute" beforeJS="refreshBOMWizard()"/>
<action name="publish">
<command class="" onClick="verifyAgileResponse()"/>
JS Function Details:
* Refresh Wizard
function refreshBOMWizard()
alert("refreshing table");
Unfortunately, I am not able to invoke the JS function for both scenario. I am getting JS function undefined in Console. Please provide your thought on that.