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Generating reports on OOTB modified files (server/client side code)


Generating reports on OOTB modified files (server/client side code)

Hi All,
Is it possible to generate reports on OOTB file modification (server/client side code i.e., class, jsp, html/css modified files) in Windchill PDMLink? i.e., if I am modifying any java file or generating any new class files can I generate a report for files which has been modified?

Vinay S.
CADOpt Technologies Private Limited

Hello Vinay,


If the wtSafeArea and wtCustom have been used, it would be easy to identify the customization.


However, PTC will provide soon an utility "Customization Analysis Report". This is expected to be released in summer 2019 on



Hi @Florent ,

Thank you for an insight about the application. Is there any other way apart from wtsafearea by which we can identify customization on WC 10.2?

Vinay S.
CADOpt Technologies Private Limited

There are many types of customizations (e.g. Info*Engine, Workflows, Wizards, etc.) and various deployment locations.  Where they reside depends on how well the developer understood Windchill's architecture and how rigorously they tested before going live.


The most inclusive solution is to search the entire Windchill load point for all files created/modified after the installation date.  Exclude logs and properties files.  I believe you can get the latest installation/update/patch date from the database history report.  For example:

UpgradeManager -exportdbhistory D:\dbHistory.xml


That may not get all of them.  If the developers were well versed in Windchill architecture, they may have chosen to keep their customizations outside of Windchill.  Read through the site.xconf and referenced xconf files, looking for external locations.  They may have added an entry to the end of declarations.xconf.  Also look at the current Windchill session's classpath to see if any externally located jar files are included.


Also ask the Windchill administrators what customizations they know about.  Someone should remember paying for something.


Hi @mmeadows-3 ,

Thank you. I had to go through each and every additional customized functionality that was been done and identify class files and modify. There were tons of them and hopefully I am able to find most of them.


I must say "Documentation saves life everywhere and anywhere!!"

Vinay S.
CADOpt Technologies Private Limited
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