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Version: Windchill 13.0
Use Case: A checked-in CAD document in Windchill not retrieved using the ODATA REST API.
I'm new to the REST API and I'm trying to get a checked-in CAD file using the ODATA REST API.
I'm using the swagger interface: The Get Documents method in the CAD Documents section, but all I get in the JSON response are the template files and not the file that I checked in.
Why can this happen and how can I fix it?
Hi @NE_11021014
the response contains just json format with all metadata you define.
The rest API do not contains function to download the primary file.
You can get just visualization
PS what method do you use? because I could not find any method to get CAD Document as a assembly or part in the SWAGGER . Just drawing I could find.
Hi @NE_11021014
I found the RestAPI for CAD but there is some issue with creo native primary format.
If CAD Document primary content is PDF the primary content is returned.
If the primary content if Creo native type, then nothing is returned. It is like the native types can not be read by the rest api.
I used