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How not update EPMDocument attributes. Need to include as-stored baseline

22-Sapphire III

How not update EPMDocument attributes. Need to include as-stored baseline

So my team wrote a little utility to update some attributes on objects. Worked great but we are seeing out error and need to make a fix for drawings and assemblies. This is how we were checking out the objects:

//Checkout document
checkedOutDoc = (EPMDocument)WorkInProgressHelper.service.checkout(document, WorkInProgressHelper.service.getCheckoutFolder(), "").getWorkingCopy();

Everything as fine, object was iterated and the attribute were updated. Fast forward a few weeks and a user reported seeing the following.



This was odd since I remember kicking off a scheduled publishing job on these items myself and I am sure I selected to use the as-stored baseline. I attempted to republish this item again but in reading the WVS logs, I can see that it reports there is no as-stored baseline so uses latest as the alternative. Rut Roh Shaggy.

So cautionary tale. If anyone has the right sequence to update an object WITH the as-stored baseline and then check it in properly (bonus to trigger republishing), let me know. I will post what I find if I beat you to it. 

PS-As of now, I know there should be a way to turn off the warning on out of date representations. Not sure if that is something I want to do. If I wanted to fix manually, it would be to download the previous iteration as-stored, update the drawing object only, check out then check in from a workspace. Very tedious. 



@avillanueva , to be clear this has nothing to do with updating attributes per se.

This is a publishing As Stored where the system does not recognize or does not have an As Stored baseline?

Or is the Visualization marked out-of-date when in fact it is not out-of-date?

22-Sapphire III

Yes, nothing to do with updating the attributes. I think using the WorkInProgressHelper in that manner only checked out the drawing but since not in a workspace, the dependents do not get included. On check in, the system did not create a new as-stored baseline (like it does from the workspace) so it just is not there. The WVS service just shifted to a backup in using latest and from there, normal system functionality takes over. Latest publishing jobs are checked so see if they are out of date if dependents change. 

Is there any reason you decided to iterate (checkout/checkin) the epmdocs?


You could have created/updated the attributes without iterating the epmdocs and then republish them all with the same utility.


Just curious.

22-Sapphire III

I wanted a record of the update.

22-Sapphire III

I think this is the API that I should have been using. Any folks use this one before?

Interface EPMWorkspaceManager 

Looks like I can populate a workspace via a baseline and check out objects.

@avillanueva  This is a method I wrote to do a checkout and check-in via a workspace.  I have not specifically validated publishing, but I'm pretty sure it will do what you expect.



package ext.tsd;

import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;


import wt.epm.EPMDocConfigSpec;
import wt.epm.EPMDocument;
import wt.epm.workspaces.CheckinOption;
import wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspace;
import wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspaceHelper;
import wt.fc.ObjectReference;
import wt.fc.PersistenceHelper;
import wt.fc.collections.WTArrayList;
import wt.fc.collections.WTCollection;
import wt.fc.collections.WTKeyedHashMap;
import wt.fc.collections.WTSet;
import wt.fc.collections.WTValuedMap;
import wt.folder.Folder;
import wt.inf.container.WTContainer;
import wt.log4j.LogR;
import wt.part.WTPartConfigSpec;
import wt.session.SessionHelper;
import wt.util.WTException;

public class EPMWorkspaceUtility {
	protected static Logger LOG = LogR.getLogger(EPMWorkspaceUtility.class.getName());
	public static void checkoutCheckInWorkspace(EPMDocument epmDocument, String temporaryWorkspaceName) throws WTException {
		EPMWorkspace epmWorkspaceForCheckout = WorkspaceHelper.getWorkspace(temporaryWorkspaceName);
		if(epmWorkspaceForCheckout  == null) {
			// Create temporary workspace
			WTPartConfigSpec wtPartConfigSpec =  WTPartConfigSpec.newWTPartConfigSpec();
			EPMDocConfigSpec epmDocConfigSpec= EPMDocConfigSpec.newEPMDocConfigSpec();
			Folder folder = epmDocument.getFolderingInfo().getFolder();
			WTContainer wtContainer = epmDocument.getContainer();
			epmWorkspaceForCheckout = EPMWorkspace.newEPMWorkspace(temporaryWorkspaceName, SessionHelper.manager.getPrincipal(), folder, wtPartConfigSpec, epmDocConfigSpec, wtContainer);
			epmWorkspaceForCheckout = (EPMWorkspace);

		WTCollection epmDocumentCollection = new WTArrayList();
		WTValuedMap wtValuedMap = EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.checkout(epmWorkspaceForCheckout, epmDocumentCollection);
		EPMDocument originalEPMDocument = null;
		EPMDocument workingcopyEPMDocument = null;
		for(Object entryObject: wtValuedMap.entrySet()) {
			if(entryObject instanceof Entry) {
				Entry entry = (Entry)entryObject;
				Object originalObject = entry.getKey();
				if(originalObject instanceof ObjectReference) {
					ObjectReference originalObjectReference = (ObjectReference)originalObject;
					originalEPMDocument = (EPMDocument)originalObjectReference.getObject();
				Object workingcopyObject = entry.getValue();
				if(workingcopyObject instanceof ObjectReference) {
					ObjectReference workingcopyObjectReference = (ObjectReference)workingcopyObject;
					workingcopyEPMDocument = (EPMDocument)workingcopyObjectReference .getObject();
		// TODO Update workingcopyEPMDocument here
		WTKeyedHashMap checkinMap = new WTKeyedHashMap();
		CheckinOption checkinOption = new CheckinOption("insert checkin comment here");
		checkinMap.put(epmDocument, checkinOption);
		WTSet wtSet = EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.checkin(epmWorkspaceForCheckout, checkinMap,  new WTArrayList(), new WTArrayList());
		WTCollection wtCollectionCheckedIn = new WTArrayList();
		for(Object o: wtSet) {
			if(o instanceof ObjectReference) {
				ObjectReference objectReferenceCheckinResult = (ObjectReference)o;
				EPMDocument epmDocumentCheckinResult = (EPMDocument) objectReferenceCheckinResult.getObject();
				LOG.debug("Checked in: " + epmDocumentCheckinResult.getDisplayIdentity().toString());
				LOG.debug("OID: " + epmDocumentCheckinResult.getPersistInfo().getObjectIdentifier().getStringValue());
		EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.removeFromWorkspace(epmWorkspaceForCheckout, wtCollectionCheckedIn);



22-Sapphire III

Thank you for sharing. I do not see any note where it references the as-stored baseline. I see that you are populating a collection but it appears to be one item. Am I reading that correct?

I apologize @avillanueva  -- I left out the as-stored!  Below brings the as-stored into the workspace along with the checked-out model, so that when checking it in, the new iteration also receives an as-stored baseline (with the same iterations as the iteration checked-out).  I tested on a 12.1 system and confirmed the as-stored baseline is created on the new check-in, and that it can successfully publish using that as-stored.  I haven't added the workspace cleanup here -- the remove from workspace is removing the object just checked in, but not its as-stored members, I need to add that. Also, when I had been exploring the API to fetch baseline members, I didn't fully understand how it was handling unresolved dependencies - may want to look at the as-stored before and after in your configuration if that is a concern.

Re your question about collection -- the API works on a collection, rather than on a single item, so I create a collection of one item to use the API.  


package ext.tsd;

import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

import wt.epm.EPMDocConfigSpec;
import wt.epm.EPMDocument;
import wt.epm.structure.EPMStructureHelper;
import wt.epm.workspaces.CheckinOption;
import wt.epm.workspaces.EPMAsStoredConfigSpec;
import wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspace;
import wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspaceHelper;
import wt.fc.ObjectReference;
import wt.fc.Persistable;
import wt.fc.PersistenceHelper;
import wt.fc.QueryResult;
import wt.fc.collections.WTArrayList;
import wt.fc.collections.WTCollection;
import wt.fc.collections.WTKeyedHashMap;
import wt.fc.collections.WTSet;
import wt.fc.collections.WTValuedMap;
import wt.folder.Folder;
import wt.inf.container.WTContainer;
import wt.log4j.LogR;
import wt.part.WTPartConfigSpec;
import wt.session.SessionHelper;
import wt.util.WTException;
import wt.util.WTPropertyVetoException;

public class EPMWorkspaceUtility {
	protected static Logger LOG = LogR.getLogger(EPMWorkspaceUtilityV0.class.getName());
	public static EPMDocument checkoutWorkspace(EPMDocument epmDocument, String temporaryWorkspaceName) throws WTException, WTPropertyVetoException {
		EPMWorkspace epmWorkspaceForCheckout = WorkspaceHelper.getWorkspace(temporaryWorkspaceName);
		if(epmWorkspaceForCheckout  == null) {
			// Create temporary workspace
			WTPartConfigSpec wtPartConfigSpec =  WTPartConfigSpec.newWTPartConfigSpec();
			EPMDocConfigSpec epmDocConfigSpec= EPMDocConfigSpec.newEPMDocConfigSpec();
			Folder folder = epmDocument.getFolderingInfo().getFolder();
			WTContainer wtContainer = epmDocument.getContainer();
			epmWorkspaceForCheckout = EPMWorkspace.newEPMWorkspace(temporaryWorkspaceName, SessionHelper.manager.getPrincipal(), folder, wtPartConfigSpec, epmDocConfigSpec, wtContainer);
			epmWorkspaceForCheckout = (EPMWorkspace);
		// Add as-stored to workspace
		WTCollection asStoredWTCollection = new WTArrayList();
		EPMAsStoredConfigSpec epmAsStoredConfigSpec = EPMAsStoredConfigSpec.newEPMAsStoredConfigSpec(epmDocument);
		// Javadoc: Sets the value of the attribute: allowLatestSubstitutes; This option
		// configures the config spec to return the latest iteration when the
		// as-stored baseline config does not contain any iteration of the masterobject.
		// If allowLatestSubstitutes is set, the config spec selects the latestiteration. 
		// If allowLatestSubstitutes is not set, the config spec
		// does not select any iteration. By default, allowLatestSubstitutesis set. 
		// 2nd argument is optional query spec for further reducing what is returned
		// 3rd argument true means to return EPMDocuments (if in as-stored) or EPMDocumentMaster (if not in as-stored)
		//		If it were false, each return would be Persistable[], with [0] is the EPMMemberLink, and [1] EPMDocument or EPMDocumentMaster
		// 4th argument is config spec
		// That said, it appears that when the as-stored member is unresolved, this is returning all of the latest iteration - including commonspace + private workspace
		// And it does that regardless of whether 3rd argument is true or false (tested)
		QueryResult asStoredMembers = EPMStructureHelper.service.navigateUsesToIteration(epmDocument, null, true, epmAsStoredConfigSpec);
		LOG.trace("Found " + asStoredMembers.size() + " members");
		while(asStoredMembers.hasMoreElements()) {
			Persistable persistable = (Persistable)asStoredMembers.nextElement();
			LOG.trace("Persistable is  " + persistable.toString());
			if(!(persistable instanceof EPMDocument)) {
			EPMDocument asStoredMemberEPMDocument = (EPMDocument) persistable;
			LOG.trace("Examining as-stored member " + asStoredMemberEPMDocument.getDisplayIdentity().toString());
		EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.addToWorkspace(epmWorkspaceForCheckout, asStoredWTCollection);
		WTCollection epmDocumentCollection = new WTArrayList();
		WTValuedMap wtValuedMap = EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.checkout(epmWorkspaceForCheckout, epmDocumentCollection);
		EPMDocument originalEPMDocument = null;
		EPMDocument workingcopyEPMDocument = null;
		for(Object entryObject: wtValuedMap.entrySet()) {
			if(entryObject instanceof Entry) {
				Entry entry = (Entry)entryObject;
				Object originalObject = entry.getKey();
				if(originalObject instanceof ObjectReference) {
					ObjectReference originalObjectReference = (ObjectReference)originalObject;
					originalEPMDocument = (EPMDocument)originalObjectReference.getObject();
				Object workingcopyObject = entry.getValue();
				if(workingcopyObject instanceof ObjectReference) {
					ObjectReference workingcopyObjectReference = (ObjectReference)workingcopyObject;
					workingcopyEPMDocument = (EPMDocument)workingcopyObjectReference .getObject();
		return workingcopyEPMDocument; 
	public static EPMDocument checkInWorkspace(EPMDocument epmDocument, String temporaryWorkspaceName) throws WTException, WTPropertyVetoException {
		EPMWorkspace epmWorkspaceForCheckout = WorkspaceHelper.getWorkspace(temporaryWorkspaceName);
		WTKeyedHashMap checkinMap = new WTKeyedHashMap();
		CheckinOption checkinOption = new CheckinOption("insert checkin comment here");
		checkinMap.put(epmDocument, checkinOption);
		WTSet wtSet = EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.checkin(epmWorkspaceForCheckout, checkinMap,  new WTArrayList(), new WTArrayList());
		EPMDocument checkedInEPMDocument = null;
		WTCollection wtCollectionCheckedIn = new WTArrayList();
		for(Object o: wtSet) {
			if(o instanceof ObjectReference) {
				ObjectReference objectReferenceCheckinResult = (ObjectReference)o;
				EPMDocument epmDocumentCheckinResult = (EPMDocument) objectReferenceCheckinResult.getObject();
				LOG.debug("Checked in: " + epmDocumentCheckinResult.getDisplayIdentity().toString());
				LOG.debug("OID: " + epmDocumentCheckinResult.getPersistInfo().getObjectIdentifier().getStringValue());
				checkedInEPMDocument = epmDocumentCheckinResult;
		EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.removeFromWorkspace(epmWorkspaceForCheckout, wtCollectionCheckedIn);
		return checkedInEPMDocument;



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