How not update EPMDocument attributes. Need to include as-stored baseline
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How not update EPMDocument attributes. Need to include as-stored baseline
So my team wrote a little utility to update some attributes on objects. Worked great but we are seeing out error and need to make a fix for drawings and assemblies. This is how we were checking out the objects:
//Checkout document
checkedOutDoc = (EPMDocument)WorkInProgressHelper.service.checkout(document, WorkInProgressHelper.service.getCheckoutFolder(), "").getWorkingCopy();
Everything as fine, object was iterated and the attribute were updated. Fast forward a few weeks and a user reported seeing the following.
This was odd since I remember kicking off a scheduled publishing job on these items myself and I am sure I selected to use the as-stored baseline. I attempted to republish this item again but in reading the WVS logs, I can see that it reports there is no as-stored baseline so uses latest as the alternative. Rut Roh Shaggy.
So cautionary tale. If anyone has the right sequence to update an object WITH the as-stored baseline and then check it in properly (bonus to trigger republishing), let me know. I will post what I find if I beat you to it.
PS-As of now, I know there should be a way to turn off the warning on out of date representations. Not sure if that is something I want to do. If I wanted to fix manually, it would be to download the previous iteration as-stored, update the drawing object only, check out then check in from a workspace. Very tedious.
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General Customization
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- As-stored
- epmdocument
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@avillanueva , to be clear this has nothing to do with updating attributes per se.
This is a publishing As Stored where the system does not recognize or does not have an As Stored baseline?
Or is the Visualization marked out-of-date when in fact it is not out-of-date?
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Yes, nothing to do with updating the attributes. I think using the WorkInProgressHelper in that manner only checked out the drawing but since not in a workspace, the dependents do not get included. On check in, the system did not create a new as-stored baseline (like it does from the workspace) so it just is not there. The WVS service just shifted to a backup in using latest and from there, normal system functionality takes over. Latest publishing jobs are checked so see if they are out of date if dependents change.
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Is there any reason you decided to iterate (checkout/checkin) the epmdocs?
You could have created/updated the attributes without iterating the epmdocs and then republish them all with the same utility.
Just curious.
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I wanted a record of the update.
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I think this is the API that I should have been using. Any folks use this one before?
Looks like I can populate a workspace via a baseline and check out objects.
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@avillanueva This is a method I wrote to do a checkout and check-in via a workspace. I have not specifically validated publishing, but I'm pretty sure it will do what you expect.
package ext.tsd;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import wt.epm.EPMDocConfigSpec;
import wt.epm.EPMDocument;
import wt.epm.workspaces.CheckinOption;
import wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspace;
import wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspaceHelper;
import wt.fc.ObjectReference;
import wt.fc.PersistenceHelper;
import wt.fc.collections.WTArrayList;
import wt.fc.collections.WTCollection;
import wt.fc.collections.WTKeyedHashMap;
import wt.fc.collections.WTSet;
import wt.fc.collections.WTValuedMap;
import wt.folder.Folder;
import wt.inf.container.WTContainer;
import wt.log4j.LogR;
import wt.part.WTPartConfigSpec;
import wt.session.SessionHelper;
import wt.util.WTException;
public class EPMWorkspaceUtility {
protected static Logger LOG = LogR.getLogger(EPMWorkspaceUtility.class.getName());
public static void checkoutCheckInWorkspace(EPMDocument epmDocument, String temporaryWorkspaceName) throws WTException {
EPMWorkspace epmWorkspaceForCheckout = WorkspaceHelper.getWorkspace(temporaryWorkspaceName);
if(epmWorkspaceForCheckout == null) {
// Create temporary workspace
WTPartConfigSpec wtPartConfigSpec = WTPartConfigSpec.newWTPartConfigSpec();
EPMDocConfigSpec epmDocConfigSpec= EPMDocConfigSpec.newEPMDocConfigSpec();
Folder folder = epmDocument.getFolderingInfo().getFolder();
WTContainer wtContainer = epmDocument.getContainer();
epmWorkspaceForCheckout = EPMWorkspace.newEPMWorkspace(temporaryWorkspaceName, SessionHelper.manager.getPrincipal(), folder, wtPartConfigSpec, epmDocConfigSpec, wtContainer);
epmWorkspaceForCheckout = (EPMWorkspace);
WTCollection epmDocumentCollection = new WTArrayList();
WTValuedMap wtValuedMap = EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.checkout(epmWorkspaceForCheckout, epmDocumentCollection);
EPMDocument originalEPMDocument = null;
EPMDocument workingcopyEPMDocument = null;
for(Object entryObject: wtValuedMap.entrySet()) {
if(entryObject instanceof Entry) {
Entry entry = (Entry)entryObject;
Object originalObject = entry.getKey();
if(originalObject instanceof ObjectReference) {
ObjectReference originalObjectReference = (ObjectReference)originalObject;
originalEPMDocument = (EPMDocument)originalObjectReference.getObject();
Object workingcopyObject = entry.getValue();
if(workingcopyObject instanceof ObjectReference) {
ObjectReference workingcopyObjectReference = (ObjectReference)workingcopyObject;
workingcopyEPMDocument = (EPMDocument)workingcopyObjectReference .getObject();
// TODO Update workingcopyEPMDocument here
WTKeyedHashMap checkinMap = new WTKeyedHashMap();
CheckinOption checkinOption = new CheckinOption("insert checkin comment here");
checkinMap.put(epmDocument, checkinOption);
WTSet wtSet = EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.checkin(epmWorkspaceForCheckout, checkinMap, new WTArrayList(), new WTArrayList());
WTCollection wtCollectionCheckedIn = new WTArrayList();
for(Object o: wtSet) {
if(o instanceof ObjectReference) {
ObjectReference objectReferenceCheckinResult = (ObjectReference)o;
EPMDocument epmDocumentCheckinResult = (EPMDocument) objectReferenceCheckinResult.getObject();
LOG.debug("Checked in: " + epmDocumentCheckinResult.getDisplayIdentity().toString());
LOG.debug("OID: " + epmDocumentCheckinResult.getPersistInfo().getObjectIdentifier().getStringValue());
EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.removeFromWorkspace(epmWorkspaceForCheckout, wtCollectionCheckedIn);
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Thank you for sharing. I do not see any note where it references the as-stored baseline. I see that you are populating a collection but it appears to be one item. Am I reading that correct?
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I apologize @avillanueva -- I left out the as-stored! Below brings the as-stored into the workspace along with the checked-out model, so that when checking it in, the new iteration also receives an as-stored baseline (with the same iterations as the iteration checked-out). I tested on a 12.1 system and confirmed the as-stored baseline is created on the new check-in, and that it can successfully publish using that as-stored. I haven't added the workspace cleanup here -- the remove from workspace is removing the object just checked in, but not its as-stored members, I need to add that. Also, when I had been exploring the API to fetch baseline members, I didn't fully understand how it was handling unresolved dependencies - may want to look at the as-stored before and after in your configuration if that is a concern.
Re your question about collection -- the API works on a collection, rather than on a single item, so I create a collection of one item to use the API.
package ext.tsd;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import wt.epm.EPMDocConfigSpec;
import wt.epm.EPMDocument;
import wt.epm.structure.EPMStructureHelper;
import wt.epm.workspaces.CheckinOption;
import wt.epm.workspaces.EPMAsStoredConfigSpec;
import wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspace;
import wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspaceHelper;
import wt.fc.ObjectReference;
import wt.fc.Persistable;
import wt.fc.PersistenceHelper;
import wt.fc.QueryResult;
import wt.fc.collections.WTArrayList;
import wt.fc.collections.WTCollection;
import wt.fc.collections.WTKeyedHashMap;
import wt.fc.collections.WTSet;
import wt.fc.collections.WTValuedMap;
import wt.folder.Folder;
import wt.inf.container.WTContainer;
import wt.log4j.LogR;
import wt.part.WTPartConfigSpec;
import wt.session.SessionHelper;
import wt.util.WTException;
import wt.util.WTPropertyVetoException;
public class EPMWorkspaceUtility {
protected static Logger LOG = LogR.getLogger(EPMWorkspaceUtilityV0.class.getName());
public static EPMDocument checkoutWorkspace(EPMDocument epmDocument, String temporaryWorkspaceName) throws WTException, WTPropertyVetoException {
EPMWorkspace epmWorkspaceForCheckout = WorkspaceHelper.getWorkspace(temporaryWorkspaceName);
if(epmWorkspaceForCheckout == null) {
// Create temporary workspace
WTPartConfigSpec wtPartConfigSpec = WTPartConfigSpec.newWTPartConfigSpec();
EPMDocConfigSpec epmDocConfigSpec= EPMDocConfigSpec.newEPMDocConfigSpec();
Folder folder = epmDocument.getFolderingInfo().getFolder();
WTContainer wtContainer = epmDocument.getContainer();
epmWorkspaceForCheckout = EPMWorkspace.newEPMWorkspace(temporaryWorkspaceName, SessionHelper.manager.getPrincipal(), folder, wtPartConfigSpec, epmDocConfigSpec, wtContainer);
epmWorkspaceForCheckout = (EPMWorkspace);
// Add as-stored to workspace
WTCollection asStoredWTCollection = new WTArrayList();
EPMAsStoredConfigSpec epmAsStoredConfigSpec = EPMAsStoredConfigSpec.newEPMAsStoredConfigSpec(epmDocument);
// Javadoc: Sets the value of the attribute: allowLatestSubstitutes; This option
// configures the config spec to return the latest iteration when the
// as-stored baseline config does not contain any iteration of the masterobject.
// If allowLatestSubstitutes is set, the config spec selects the latestiteration.
// If allowLatestSubstitutes is not set, the config spec
// does not select any iteration. By default, allowLatestSubstitutesis set.
// 2nd argument is optional query spec for further reducing what is returned
// 3rd argument true means to return EPMDocuments (if in as-stored) or EPMDocumentMaster (if not in as-stored)
// If it were false, each return would be Persistable[], with [0] is the EPMMemberLink, and [1] EPMDocument or EPMDocumentMaster
// 4th argument is config spec
// That said, it appears that when the as-stored member is unresolved, this is returning all of the latest iteration - including commonspace + private workspace
// And it does that regardless of whether 3rd argument is true or false (tested)
QueryResult asStoredMembers = EPMStructureHelper.service.navigateUsesToIteration(epmDocument, null, true, epmAsStoredConfigSpec);
LOG.trace("Found " + asStoredMembers.size() + " members");
while(asStoredMembers.hasMoreElements()) {
Persistable persistable = (Persistable)asStoredMembers.nextElement();
LOG.trace("Persistable is " + persistable.toString());
if(!(persistable instanceof EPMDocument)) {
EPMDocument asStoredMemberEPMDocument = (EPMDocument) persistable;
LOG.trace("Examining as-stored member " + asStoredMemberEPMDocument.getDisplayIdentity().toString());
EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.addToWorkspace(epmWorkspaceForCheckout, asStoredWTCollection);
WTCollection epmDocumentCollection = new WTArrayList();
WTValuedMap wtValuedMap = EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.checkout(epmWorkspaceForCheckout, epmDocumentCollection);
EPMDocument originalEPMDocument = null;
EPMDocument workingcopyEPMDocument = null;
for(Object entryObject: wtValuedMap.entrySet()) {
if(entryObject instanceof Entry) {
Entry entry = (Entry)entryObject;
Object originalObject = entry.getKey();
if(originalObject instanceof ObjectReference) {
ObjectReference originalObjectReference = (ObjectReference)originalObject;
originalEPMDocument = (EPMDocument)originalObjectReference.getObject();
Object workingcopyObject = entry.getValue();
if(workingcopyObject instanceof ObjectReference) {
ObjectReference workingcopyObjectReference = (ObjectReference)workingcopyObject;
workingcopyEPMDocument = (EPMDocument)workingcopyObjectReference .getObject();
return workingcopyEPMDocument;
public static EPMDocument checkInWorkspace(EPMDocument epmDocument, String temporaryWorkspaceName) throws WTException, WTPropertyVetoException {
EPMWorkspace epmWorkspaceForCheckout = WorkspaceHelper.getWorkspace(temporaryWorkspaceName);
WTKeyedHashMap checkinMap = new WTKeyedHashMap();
CheckinOption checkinOption = new CheckinOption("insert checkin comment here");
checkinMap.put(epmDocument, checkinOption);
WTSet wtSet = EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.checkin(epmWorkspaceForCheckout, checkinMap, new WTArrayList(), new WTArrayList());
EPMDocument checkedInEPMDocument = null;
WTCollection wtCollectionCheckedIn = new WTArrayList();
for(Object o: wtSet) {
if(o instanceof ObjectReference) {
ObjectReference objectReferenceCheckinResult = (ObjectReference)o;
EPMDocument epmDocumentCheckinResult = (EPMDocument) objectReferenceCheckinResult.getObject();
LOG.debug("Checked in: " + epmDocumentCheckinResult.getDisplayIdentity().toString());
LOG.debug("OID: " + epmDocumentCheckinResult.getPersistInfo().getObjectIdentifier().getStringValue());
checkedInEPMDocument = epmDocumentCheckinResult;
EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.removeFromWorkspace(epmWorkspaceForCheckout, wtCollectionCheckedIn);
return checkedInEPMDocument;