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I need to apply validation on that attribute and make it required. Yes i know it can be done by type and attribute manager but Business requirement like this?
Thank you in advance
Could you elaborate your business requirement?
Good morning Binesh,
I need to make that attribute as required using manual validation in form processor. Using NMcommand am able to get the values of it. But idk how to get attribute.
Hello Binesh,
I tried below code to get the value of description attribute then also am getting error as
ERROR [ajp-bio-8010-exec-1] com.ptc.jca.mvc.controllers.UIValidationAJAXController wcadmin - CreateEditFormProcessorHelper.getInProgressItemInstance(): Unable to create an in-progress instance of the object.
Nested exception is: java.lang.NullPointerException
wt.util.WTException: CreateEditFormProcessorHelper.getInProgressItemInstance(): Unable to create an in-progress instance of the object.
Nested exception is: java.lang.NullPointerException
at jci.CustomCreatChangeNoticeFormProcessor.preProcess(
public FormResult preProcess(NmCommandBean paramNmCommandBean, List<ObjectBean> paramList)
throws WTException {
HashMap map = paramNmCommandBean.getTextArea();
/*148*/ String value = map.get("description").toString();
Do you mean that, you are not able to do it through Type & Attribute manager or what is the exact requirement
yes Vijay it is possible from Type and Attribute manager. i wanted to do this by not using typa and attribute manager.
Is it possible ?
I think my approach to override form processor was wrong. Right way is to go with post- submit validation. Purpose is to check whether user has selected the "need date" when he click on "Next" button. The problem am facing in this is "nextButton" is used in multiple wizard if i apply validator to that then it will affect in all the places.
Also i have noticed there is ID PJL_wizard_next , i think this is differentiating next button from other wizards.
<action name="nextButton" id="PJL_wizard_next" resourceBundle="com.ptc.core.ui.navigationRB">
<command class="" method="" windowType="page" url="javascript:goNext()"/>
Need help please guide if am going wrong.