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To change the status of a promotional target, we configured the following code:
wt.maturity.PromotionNotice pn = (wt.maturity.PromotionNotice)primaryBusinessObject; wt.fc.QueryResult qr= wt.maturity.MaturityHelper.service.getPromotionTargets(pn); while (qr.hasMoreElements()) { wt.doc.WTDocument doc=(wt.doc.WTDocument) qr.nextElement(); wt.lifecycle.LifeCycleServerHelper.service.setState((wt.lifecycle.LifeCycleManaged)doc,wt.lifecycle.State.toState("DESIGNCHANGE")); } try { wt.util.WTProperties props = wt.util.WTProperties.getLocalProperties(); VERBOSE = props.getProperty("wt.maturity.verbose",VERBOSE); } catch( Throwable t ) { } try{ wt.maturity.MaturityServerHelper.service.unlockTargets (pn); } catch (wt.maturity.MaturityException me){ if ( VERBOSE ) me.printStackTrace(); }
I got the following error:
the primaryBusinessObject is a part object.
wt.doc.WTDocument doc=(wt.doc.WTDocument) qr.nextElement();
wt.part.WTPart part=(wt.part.WTPart) qr.nextElement();
Dear Jason27
If so, does not the same error occur for WTDocument?
I do not know how to handle the API properly, so I have to apply the if statement to specify the lifecycle state only for the WTDocument and the rest to apply the original process?
I copied the original Approval promotion Request Process and assigned it as the default process.
Thank you.