Hello All
I am getting this error while installing WIndchill 11.0 . any one came across with this error before ?
I have attached one PSI log which is from the location C:\ptc\Windchill_11.0\PSI\installer\logs .
I have copied the log from the log file "PTCSOLNINSTALLER_PtcInstall" to a separate file and attached here , since the original log file is 120 MB
Hello Arshad
Thanks for your reply
Yes i created the schema before PSI installation , created files BLOBS.sql,INDZ.sql and WCAUDIT.sql and I selecetd the option as per the pic (selection) while installation. later while installing , installation stopped @ 69% with the error "Windchill Loader failed " What this error mean ?
I have also attached log file .