I got a "Malformed BEEP Header" error when I try to connect PTC integrity using a client sw.
Do you know what is mean?
Hello CheunGeun Kong,
BEEP is the protocol used for communication with the Integrity server. Could you share a screenshot of the error in the client? It would also help to turn on DEBUG logging on the client, as described in CS147393, reproducing the issue, and sharing the client log with us.
Hello Mr. Kael,
I tried to re-enact the situation on my laptop. and I got a log file as below.
(I changed IP address and domains to 'xxxxx')
And this message was ocurred when I configured the proxy server to client.
16. 4. 14 오전 10:19: GENERAL(10): The client is currently logged into kerberos realm "xxxxx".
16. 4. 14 오전 10:19: WARNING(5): Malformed BEEP Header
16. 4. 14 오전 10:19: GENERAL(5): Source Integrity Registry Version is: 1.6, Loading Version: 1.6
16. 4. 14 오전 10:19: GENERAL(5): Reading Registry From File C:\data\_DevTools\.mks104\SIDist\config\registry
16. 4. 14 오전 10:19: GENERAL(10): The client is currently logged into kerberos realm "'xxxxx'".
16. 4. 14 오전 10:19: WARNING(5): Malformed BEEP Header
16. 4. 14 오전 10:19: GENERAL(10): The client is currently logged into kerberos realm "'xxxxx'".
16. 4. 14 오전 10:19: WARNING(5): Malformed BEEP Header
16. 4. 14 오전 10:19: GENERAL(0) mks.frame.app.commands.PreconditionFailedException: mks.frame.app.commands.PreconditionFailedException: Error connecting to 'xxxxx' using proxy 'xxxxx' (either may be down): Malformed BEEP Header
at mks.ic.si.commands.CurrentOrFormerProjectTypeElementViewCommand.execute(CurrentOrFormerProjectTypeElementViewCommand.java:132)
at mks.ic.common.commands.SadCommand.doCommandActions(SadCommand.java:144)
at mks.frame.app.commands.Command.internalInvoke(Command.java:646)
at mks.frame.app.commands.Command.invoke(Command.java:279)
at mks.frame.app.ui.Interactor.invokeCommandWithException(Interactor.java:77)
at mks.frame.app.ui.swing.SwingInteractor.invokeCommand(SwingInteractor.java:482)
at mks.frame.app.ui.swing.SwingInteractor.runCommands(SwingInteractor.java:452)
at mks.frame.app.ui.swing.SwingInteractor$CommandRunner.doModelAction(SwingInteractor.java:385)
at mks.frame.app.ui.swing.ActionProcessor.perform(ActionProcessor.java:425)
at mks.frame.app.ui.swing.ActionProcessor$Dequeuer.run(ActionProcessor.java:750)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
Caused by: mks.si.api.SIException: mks.frame.app.commands.PreconditionFailedException: Error connecting to'xxxxx' using proxy 'xxxxx'(either may be down): Malformed BEEP Header
at mks.ic.si.model.ProjectTypeSettings.getProjectType(ProjectTypeSettings.java:803)
at mks.ic.si.model.CurrentOrFormerProjectTypeElementSelectionSettings.getCurrentOrFormerProjectType(CurrentOrFormerProjectTypeElementSelectionSettings.java:304)
at mks.ic.si.commands.CurrentOrFormerProjectTypeElementViewCommand.execute(CurrentOrFormerProjectTypeElementViewCommand.java:127)
... 10 more
Thank for your response.
Hello CheunGeun Kong,
Thanks for the IntegrityClient.log output. Could you please turn on DEBUG logging on the client to get more detailed information in the log (as described in CS147393), reproduce the issue again, and post the client log showing "DEBUG" lines?