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We are looking to move the Windchill authentication to our local AD, which is house on 2 different servers. Windchill only allows the 1 specific server when setting up the JNDI adapter. The local folks are worried when the targeted AD server is down for any reason, WIndchill would then be unavailable. Has anyone set up some sort of 'round robin' or failover to handle this situation? Thanks in advance, and Happy Mardi Gras to all!
Send lawyers, guns, and money...the sh!t has hit the fan!
We ran into the same scenario. We have two AD servers both to split the load and provide redundancy should one fail. What we ended up doing is sort of aliasing a name for the AD server on the Wiindchill server in the local hosts file. This fake server name is then what is used in all the Windchill settings for the hook to AD (JNDI adapter etc). The IPaddress associated with the fake server name in the hosts file is the IP address of the primary AD server wewant to target. Should that AD server go downwe simply edit the hosts file to have the address of the secondary AD server and we're back in business. Not altering settings in Windchill, no restarting Windchill. Simple, not automatic, but simple and effective. Have to give credit to these boards for that solution, though. A while back someone had posted this as one approach to the issue.
We successfully used the multiple URLs separated by a space. We originally thought this would work, but PTC told us last week this was not supported.
Send lawyers, guns, and money...the sh!t has hit the fan!
I too agree with Ian by quering for a domain instead of querying a particular Domain Controller. With this approach, the only thing you need to take care if a particular DC is undergoing maintainance or not reachable, then request to that DC will fail and users will not be able to login to windchill temporarily.However, on multiple login attempts login will succedd. Make sure that the DC undergoing maintainace is removed from the DNS entrie of your domain and al the DC are available and able to handle request.