Need to find best way to before the following requirement. I feel like this can be done... just can't remember how.
Need to automatically add Iges/Step File as Secondary Content when a file is checked in.
In Pro/E
I can make a mapkey that automatically saves the ProE Model, Save As the Model to Step and Adds as Secondary Content. I could even place/replace a save icon in the config.win so users select it most every time.
I think Etrage can Publish as Step and I can do that on a State Change such as Released.
The CAD Worker publishes as DWG/DXF for Drawings so Sheetmetal Flats for Manufacturing has not been an issue but the addition of Step Files for 3d Models (instead of PV neutral) for vendors, etc... is outside normal bounds of the cad worker.
Any other Ideas. A preference maybe?
Brian Sullivan
9.1 M040+ Solution Needed.