I am using Windchill PDMLink Release 12.0 and Datecode with CPS
Our users are facing a very strange issue. We have Business Rules defined for Promotion Request. There is one Business rule that shows errors on the parts that are not added to PR or even not closely related to the parts that are added to PR. If we don't take any action on such BR and wait for 10-24 hours, the error goes away on its own. For example, if a user is Promoting objects for a part in the Dryer context, it randomly pulls parts from the Laundry context. The problem with this issue is that it's not reproducible and it's very random.
Hi @rpatil-2,
Have you enabled the loggers for business rules of PR?
Loggers would give us some idea why there is a error.
@TDT That's the main issue. This issue is not reproducible on lower environments and we cannot enable the loggers when reported on Production as we cannot restart Prod on Weekdays.
Hi @rpatil-2,
No need to restart the server to enable the loggers.
Goto site --> utilities --> server status --> monitoring tools --> log levels
In log levels, set the logger class and level.
Then check the loggers from site --> utilities --> server status --> monitoring tools --> log file viewer.
Once you have the loggers, turn it off .
Otherwise it will eat up the storage space.
@TDT This is fine but i need to understand this random behaviour. I am here to see if any other companies or individuals have faced this issue in the past. Getting Logs will take time as I mentioned this error is very random and does not stay there. It automatically resolves in 6-12 hours.