10.1 M040
I want to set the resolution date of a CN that contains a CANCELED CT. Setting the resolution date sets the CANCELED CT state to RESOLVED. What is the logic behind this??? Shouldn't the canceled CT's lifecycle state remain at CANCELED?
For example: I have a CN that contains 2 CT's. The first CT was canceled which sets it's state to CANCELED. The second CT was completed which sets it's state to RESOLVED. When the resolution date is set in the CN workflow it also sets ALL of the children CT's to RESOLVED. This doesn't make sense. The child CT's should maintain their state that was set in the CT workflow. The API used in the CN workflow to set the resolution date and CT lifecycle state is com.ptc.windchill.pdmlink.change.server.impl.WorkflowProcessHelper.setECNResolutionDate(). There is not an alternative API that doesn't set CT lifecycle state.
Has anyone run into this and found a solution?
Patrick Williams | Engineering Systems | c: 616.947.2110