Community Tip - Stay updated on what is happening on the PTC Community by subscribing to PTC Community Announcements. X
Whenever I start a new discussion or if somebody writes to the discussion, I / everybody should be notified (similar to workflow notification emails) like e.g. "updation to Discussion on Product : Tyre 24" " or "New discussion on Spindle 6" ".
Any facility to receive such email notifications?
Did you try "Subscribe to the topic/discussion"?
The discussion are specific to a product. So there can be 10 topics, so I will have to subscribe to all 10.
What I need is as soon as a topic is posted / updated / added I should be notified, similar to events subscription.
If you want to Subscribe to the whole Discussion, all its Topics and Comments, just pick the Subscribe to Discussion button in the toolbar with nothing selcted in the Discussion tree. That should do it.