One can define a soft attribute (for example ECN_Number) for CAD document
and make this attribute as a designated parameter. This designated parameter
can be marked as the ECN Number in the drawing title block. If the end user
populates this WC CAD Document attribute with ECN Number(which can be
automated within ECN workflow), upon download and opening the model/drawing
in WF/Creo, the attribute value can be transferred to the title block. PTC
Manual "Using Pro/Engineer Wildfile with Windchill 9.1 (or equivalent latest
version) provides information about Windchill attributes interoperation with
Pro/Engineer WF".
Hope this helps.
Thank you and have a great time.
Best Regards
Swamy Senthil
Principal Solutions Architect, Swasen Inc; 909 800 8423(M); 973 324 2729(W); 866
908 6561(F);