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I am using Windchill PDMLink Release 12.0 and Datecode with CPS
I am using the Import/Export manager, and when I export a WTPart assembly with the option "Product Structure with CAD Documents / Dynamic Documents (built with active configuration specification)", the WTParts, BOM, CAD models, CAD model structure, and WTDocuments and the WTDoc-WTPart relationships all get exported. However, any CAD Drawings related to the CAD Models via drawing reference (and thus "calculated" relationship to WTPart) or related to Parts via content (or other "non-owner" links) do NOT get exported. It seems I have to manually add the drawings as separate line items. This is problematic for larger assemblies. Is there a way to include related drawings on a Product Structure export?
Hi @RS_10095685
Unfortunately "Product Structure with CAD Documents" option does not export drawings at all.
You can move all drawings to the folder and use second option "Cabinet and Folder Contents"
Or add all data to a workspace and export the workspace. I know you need the Creo and a Creo licence
I don't have better idea for now.
Hello RS_10095685,
You encountered unexpected behavior while using Windchill, thanks for reaching out, this is Charles from PTC Technical Support in Europe, I will provide you assistance on this question.
The use-case is referenced in kb article cs156273 and it seems unfortunately calculated links are not exported.