I have a generic "assembly" product structure that defines 1 to many BOMS. As a generic BOM, the many instances can have varying quantities of the constituent parts (or zero). How do I best implement this in current 8 and/or planning forward in pdmlink 9 to handle this relationship. Each Instance will (in the end) have its own parents (and/or) effectivity. However, I will need to report on the generic (ie: make a report that shows all the constitent parts and their quantities per the instance). Unline the variants, my instances are predefined (ie: don't generate on the fly relative to answering variant specs) and stored (ie: if Generic is D02P0841, then the instances are D02P0841-001, -002, -003, etc). Think of it as Pro/E like family table assemblies but based in WTPart Windchill product structures.