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I defined soft type of WTPart that has global boolean attribute.
I need to find this soft type instances having the attribute=true.
I tried to use code:
long wtPartSoftTypeId;
long globalBooleanAttrId;
QuerySpec querySpec = new QuerySpec(WTPart.class);
int attributeIndex = querySpec.appendClassList(BooleanValue.class, false);
int attrIndices[] = {0, attributeIndex};
querySpec.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(WTPart.class, "", BooleanValue.class, ""), attrIndices);
querySpec.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(BooleanValue.class, "", SearchCondition.EQUAL, globalBooleanAttrId), new int[]{attributeIndex});
querySpec.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(BooleanValue.class, BooleanValue.VALUE, SearchCondition.EQUAL, true), new int[]{attributeIndex});
CompositeWhereExpression where = new CompositeWhereExpression(LogicalOperator.AND);
where.append(new SearchCondition(WTPart.class, "typeDefinitionReference.key.branchId", SearchCondition.EQUAL, wtPartSoftTypeId), new int[] {0});
querySpec.appendWhere(where, new int[]{0});
QueryResult queryResult = PersistenceHelper.manager.find((StatementSpec) querySpec);
result query spec looks like:
FROM wt.part.WTPart A0,wt.iba.value.BooleanValue A1
WHERE (A0.idA2A2 = A1.idA3A4) AND (A1.idA3A6 = 289061) AND (A1.value = N'?') AND ((A0.branchIdA2typeDefinitionRefe = 189491))
useBind=true [289061, ?, 189491]
And i have an error: A persistence error occurred
The similar code for StringValue attribute works fine.
Can anyone help me?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Try this for the booleanvalue.
new SearchCondition(BooleanValue.class, BooleanValue.VALUE, SearchCondition.IS_TRUE)
Try this for the booleanvalue.
new SearchCondition(BooleanValue.class, BooleanValue.VALUE, SearchCondition.IS_TRUE)