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You can install Windchill without licensing which is normal for initial installs but it has a timer to shutdown after 6 hours of operation. This might work for what you are doing. As far as the database, its a bit tricky there. Those databases are not supported so I am not sure if there are features or checks that will error out during install if its not to spec. You might want to try SQL Server if you need a lower cost install. The bigger issue is that you need to be a paid, licensed Windchill customer to get access to the installers. I would also recommend not installing 12 but move to 13 since that is current version.
Thanks for the quick reply.
The 6 hr timer works fine for my testing needs.
We are a fully paid Windchill customer and I have access to the installers - which I have already downloaded.
I selected v12.0 as that is the version we are currently using.
I have done a monolithic installation of Windchill when I first tested it, back at Windchill 6.2.6 DSU11.
There is nothing unique about the installation, it goes like normal, just all on the same server.
As to the DB, I would stick with the Enterprise edition of Oracle, as that is what PTC has specified.
I would also do any testing with 13.0.2 CPS02, as that is the latest release. The installation process isn't much different than Windchill 12.0.2, except the version of Java required.
What are you using for your LDAP? If still using Windchill DS 11.2, there are some changes if you import your company data for your testing.
I have a 25 page Word document that I created when I setup my last OOTB Windchill system. Lots of little things to be set throughout the system. My Upgrade document is 15 pages, but with existing data the system structure is set by the import.
Stick with the same database platform (Oracle or MSSQL) you use in production.
As @BenLoosli suggests, use the same version as installed in production (Enterprise or Standard) if you can. If you can't get the licensing and can't put your DB in the corporate dev cluster, then Oracle XE or SQL Server Developer Edition will work. Neither are supported by PTC, but both work. Oracle XE, comes with DB size limits that are manageable for a small (practically empty) database. SQL Server Developer Edition has TCP/IP turned off by default.
These work for a personal test bed. They do not work for corporate production or non-production environments like test or training environments.
Check with your IT department about what is allowed before going forward. The company pays Oracle and Microsoft and have to true up license costs during audits. You don't want to get caught in an audit (for example using SQL Server Developer Edition for a training server).
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Much appreciated.
@BenLoosli - if you could share the documentation you created around your experience that would be very helpful.
This bring me onto the question of LDAP. Since I want to build the test machine outside of the company network (it really will only be me using and logging into it), any suggestions for LDAP? Although I'm fairly proficient in IT skills - I know very little about Directory Servers or LDAP. Is using something like the free Apache Directory the best way forward?
Are there any resources for a simple installation of a Directory Server and LDAP?
Use OpenDJ. This is the foundation for WindchillDS which was provided previously.
Either Open DJ or just use Windchill DS 11.2 CPS17. I still use Windchill DS with Windchill 12.0.2 and 13.0.2 in production.
I will need to edit the document for outside use. I cannot release a document with our server names in it.
Sende me an email at looslib<at> and I will try to get it to you in the next few days.
OK - I had a bit of time so here's what I've done so far and am stuck! : -
Here is where I'm up to, if I click Next, it comes up with 'The following fields failed validation : There was a problem connecting to the Directory Server specified...
LDAP Server Host Name, LDAP Server Port, Base Distinguished Name for LDAP Users, LDAP User Distinguished Name, LDAP Password
I'm guessing it's the 'Base Distinguished Name for LDAP Users' setting I have wrong?
Any suggestions to get past this step?
Note that for this 'test' Windchill system, I do NOT intend to create any users other than myself as Site admin or Org admin
I want to leave it as OOTB as possible.
I think you need to change what you have for the Base Distinguished Name for LDAP users.
On my WIndchill it is: cn=EnterpriseLDAP,cn=Windchill_13.0,o=ptc.
So for you, try: cn=EnterpriseLDAP,cn=Windchill_12.0,o=wind.
What does your LDAP structure look like? Understanding we only keep user accounts in Windchill's LDAP, it should be more complex than...
I've tried this very flat structure before and it caused installation/upgrade issues. I reverted to something more traditional and my issues went away.
As @BenLoosli suggests, there could/should be some structure to it to separate...
Sorry, my OCD is kicking in. Here are some additional notes after lots of upgrades, WinDU cleanup, and user account management.
Additional nuance...
When we create users from Windchill in a read-write LDAP, we should pay attention to where we create them: Site or Org. In the Windchill training, the reasoning for creating users at the organization was it is easier to let the org automatically assign the domain to the users. However, there is more going on than automatically assigning org-level users to the current organization. WinDU also complains when we create a user at the Site and manually associate them to the Organization. Or, when we only set up one JNDI Adapter and hard set the organization for all users (including the Site Administrator). The "Verify Principal Domain External Users" check reports something like this.
User wcadmin is not in default domain
Current domain: [/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=PTC]/PTC
Default domain: [/]/User/Unaffiliated
Because user was created from the Site context
Or (depending on how the JNDI Adapter was defined)
User j.doe is not in default domain
Current domain: [/]/User/Unaffiliated
Default domain: [/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=PTC]/PTC
Because user was created from the Organization context
Does it really matter? Probably not, but if WinDU bothers to report it, I prefer to clean it up.
OOTB Windchill_11.x and earlier using WindchillDS defaults to two adapters to address this WinDU issue.
The first adapter (e.g. com.ptc.LDAP) is for Site Administrator and other Site level accounts.
It is configured with a search base: ou=people,cn=AdministrativeLDAP,cn=Windchill,o=ptc.
By excluding the organization mapping attribute, all users under this search base become Site level "Unaffiliated" users.
The second adapter (e.g. com.ptc.EnterpriseLdap) is for organization level users.
It is configured with a search base: ou=people,cn=EnterpriseLDAP,cn=Windchill,o=ptc.
By including the organization mapping attribute in the JNDI Adapter, all users under this search base are automatically assigned to the named Organization.
or (if there is an LDAP user attribute "o" with the value of the Windchill organization name)
This level of LDAP configuration will eliminate the reported "Verify Principal Domain External Users" complaints and works equally well for read-write and read-only LDAP configurations.
You do not need to do all of this to get logged into your Windchill system. Windchill will run with all users under one JNDI Adapter provided a slightly more complex search base than "uid=wcadmin,o=ptc".
OK - here's the latest :
I've managed to get past the LDAP screens with the following settings on OpenDJ :
Now stuck on Oracle Database!
I installed Oracle 19c as recommended (Software only, and created a new Windows user called 'pdmlink' with a password) - all went through fine.
In PSI I have the following settings :
No idea what the SYSTEM password is! Never asked me about this during the install!
I just entered in 'oracle'. (It used to be 'change_on_install' in the old days when I worked with Oracle 8 - tried that too!)
Now I'm getting the following error :
I must be doing something wrong still!
They really don't make this easy do they!!!
You have options here. If you let the PSI create the database user for Windchill, "pdmlink", you need the System account for that which you said you do not have. But you said you already created this user so you do not need to do this step. You want the option for user an existing user which you created when you installed Oracle as "pdmlink" and whatever password you gave it. The PSI will then only create the schema, tables, views, etc.