In the image below is the OOTB Rework workflow from the Promotion Request Approval. It has an issue; if the user Submits, while the objects are checked-out the Conditional statement still marks them as ValidIterations, so the workflow moves on, but then gets Rejected at the next conditional statement. Anyone find the solution to this issue?
My solution is to add the expression from the other conditional statement to the rework conditional, this works, but has a side-effect. At the next conditional statement (post approval task) a flag gets set, so I need to unset that somehow. Anyone know how?
/* This all came from the conditional check after the Approval */ try { wt.util.WTProperties props = wt.util.WTProperties.getLocalProperties(); VERBOSE = props.getProperty("wt.maturity.verbose",VERBOSE); } catch( Throwable t ) { }
try{ wt.maturity.MaturityServerHelper.service.promoteTargets (pn); /* If any of the promotion targets are Advanced Configurable Generics the * baseline used during collection needs to be set on the generic as the * default baseline to properly support Options and Variants. If none of * the promotion targets are Advanced Configurable Generics, this method will * simply return. */ wt.maturity.MaturityServerHelper.setDefaultBaselineForGenerics(pn); result="ValidIterations"; } catch (wt.maturity.MaturityException me){ if ( VERBOSE ) me.printStackTrace(); errorMsg=me.getMessage(); result="InvalidIterations"; }