I have a scriptlet in my JSP page that gets a list of paired parts to
compare BOMs for. The end result is a list of tables, one for each BOM
Persistable p = (Persistable) (commandBean.getPageOid()).getRef();
List pairs;
if (p instanceof WTChangeOrder2)
WTChangeOrder2 ecn=(WTChangeOrder2)p;
The objects in pairs are not persistables. For each item in the list, it
should output a table for a non Persistable bean class holding the BOM
comparison information. So as I loop through and get each pair, how do I
call it out in the getModel tag below? Do I have to wrap the pair in a
NMSimpleOid object?
<jca:getmodel var="tableModel" descriptor="${tableDescriptor}"<br"/>
<jca:addserviceargument value="???????"<br"/>type="customization.change.PartsListPair"/>