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i have a commun request from the designers to export the list of items in specific promotion request to excel/csv file.
You can use report builder to create a promotion report then import this as a live link into Excel.
You can then filter this in Excel or you can drive report parameters in the URL direcltly from excel. Eg take the value a cell containing the context name for example and use that to pull a report for promotion notices in that particular context.
The qml is nice, but if you want starter code:
public static Vector getDrawings (PromotionNotice promotionNotice) throws Exception {
Vector<epmdocument> drawings = new Vector<epmdocument>();
QueryResult pnMembers = MaturityHelper.service.getBaselineItems(promotionNotice);
while (pnMembers.hasMoreElements()) {
Baselineable member = (Baselineable)pnMembers.nextElement();
if (member instanceof EPMDocument && ( ((EPMDocument)member).getDocType().toString()).equals("CADDRAWING")){
return drawings;
QueryResult members = MaturityHelper.service.getBaselineItems(promotionNotice);
I dont know how old this is. Just found it in the scrap pile.
L Jett