We want to post-publish assemblies and have the layers come along when published. According to PTC, this can be controlled within the publish rules XML file in Visualization Configuration Administration. Currently, we have the following option set in our rules:
<post-publish name="viewable-compression">true</post-publish>
If this is set to “false”, the layers will publish. However the file size of the resulting assembly is ~3.5 times the size when published with the value set to “true”. I am trying to find out if there is a way to control the post-publish of layers without this dramatic increase in file size. It seems like there should be a way to specifically allow for layers to publish without fully “uncompressing.”
As I understand it, when post-publishing, it uses the following post-publish recipe file:
<windchill loadpoint=">\wvs\recipe\pvschange_for_illustration.rcp
It seems like you could control it with an option in this file. But I have not been able to find an option that works successfully. The options that PTC offered have not worked.
Thanks for any help.
Greg Kuehl
Engineering Systems Administrator, Polaris Industries