Hi all,
I'm new to windchill and what I'm trying to do is pretty much what Rick was trying to do here (a remote integration with windchill). I read the User's guide, the section about the web service tooling, how to create a web service and the section about the available webjects.
What i don't understand is how those webjects are exposed to a third-party application. There's a list of (SOAP) web services already implemented and available to use? Or do I have to create tasks that use these webjects and than create the web services for these tasks?
I hope i was clear, Marco.
Solved! Go to Solution.
The following is the solution i found (just in case someone is having the same problem i had).
All the xml files containing the tasks are stored under <windchill_folder>/tasks and they implement the webjects specified in the Adapter Guide. The parameters required to access them from an external application are specifid in some sort of wsdl accessible from a browser at the address: <windchill_url>/Windchill/servlet/SimpleTaskDispatcher?CLASS=<task_package> (where <task_package> is something like "com.ptc.windchill.ws").
To access those tasks I used a standalone java application. This example prints on the system-out the UFID of all the resources of type "Part":
private static ConnectionFactory getManualFactory() throws PropertyVetoException, IOException, ResourceException {
IeManagedConnectionFactory mcf = new IeManagedConnectionFactory();
mcf.setConnectionProperties ("ConnectionURL=http://windchill.mydomain.lan/Windchill/servlet/SimpleTaskDispatcher" );
return (ConnectionFactory) mcf.createConnectionFactory();
public static void main(String[] args) throws NamingException, ResourceException, PropertyVetoException, IOException{
ConnectionFactory cxf = getManualFactory();
Connection cx = null;
try {
IeConnectionSpec cxSpec = new IeConnectionSpec();
cx = cxf.getConnection(cxSpec);
Interaction ix = cx.createInteraction();
IeInteractionSpec ixSpec = new IeInteractionSpec();
RecordFactory rFact = cxf.getRecordFactory();
MappedRecord iRec = rFact.createMappedRecord("QueryRequestMsg");
iRec.put("typeIdentifier", "wt.part.WTPart"); //wt.org.WTUser
iRec.put("criteria", "name = *");
iRec.put("attribute", "name");
IeInteractionResult result = (IeInteractionResult) ix.execute(ixSpec, iRec);
Object[] res = (Object[])result.getResult();
for(Object r : res){
System.out.println("ufid: " + ((Element)r).getUfid());
}catch(Throwable e){
System.err.println("error: "+e);
} finally {
if (cx != null) {
The required dependencies are:
ieWeb.jar, ie3rdpartylibs.jar, CommonCore.jar, WebServices.jar, ptcCoreFCS.jar, servlet.jar all available inside the windchill installation folder (under different paths).
The following is the solution i found (just in case someone is having the same problem i had).
All the xml files containing the tasks are stored under <windchill_folder>/tasks and they implement the webjects specified in the Adapter Guide. The parameters required to access them from an external application are specifid in some sort of wsdl accessible from a browser at the address: <windchill_url>/Windchill/servlet/SimpleTaskDispatcher?CLASS=<task_package> (where <task_package> is something like "com.ptc.windchill.ws").
To access those tasks I used a standalone java application. This example prints on the system-out the UFID of all the resources of type "Part":
private static ConnectionFactory getManualFactory() throws PropertyVetoException, IOException, ResourceException {
IeManagedConnectionFactory mcf = new IeManagedConnectionFactory();
mcf.setConnectionProperties ("ConnectionURL=http://windchill.mydomain.lan/Windchill/servlet/SimpleTaskDispatcher" );
return (ConnectionFactory) mcf.createConnectionFactory();
public static void main(String[] args) throws NamingException, ResourceException, PropertyVetoException, IOException{
ConnectionFactory cxf = getManualFactory();
Connection cx = null;
try {
IeConnectionSpec cxSpec = new IeConnectionSpec();
cx = cxf.getConnection(cxSpec);
Interaction ix = cx.createInteraction();
IeInteractionSpec ixSpec = new IeInteractionSpec();
RecordFactory rFact = cxf.getRecordFactory();
MappedRecord iRec = rFact.createMappedRecord("QueryRequestMsg");
iRec.put("typeIdentifier", "wt.part.WTPart"); //wt.org.WTUser
iRec.put("criteria", "name = *");
iRec.put("attribute", "name");
IeInteractionResult result = (IeInteractionResult) ix.execute(ixSpec, iRec);
Object[] res = (Object[])result.getResult();
for(Object r : res){
System.out.println("ufid: " + ((Element)r).getUfid());
}catch(Throwable e){
System.err.println("error: "+e);
} finally {
if (cx != null) {
The required dependencies are:
ieWeb.jar, ie3rdpartylibs.jar, CommonCore.jar, WebServices.jar, ptcCoreFCS.jar, servlet.jar all available inside the windchill installation folder (under different paths).