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WTPart and EPM CAD association, not required for views


WTPart and EPM CAD association, not required for views

Hi All,

This is in response to Marc question regarding does every EPM document have to be associated to a WTPart. The answer is no. You can have various views or orientations of your EPM 3D CAD model yet the physical part does not change like hinges, doors, sliders, etc. Plus, you can have multiple CAD integration with ECAD and software mixed in where the 3D CAD is not the active association to the WTPart. You may need to add different views of the 3D CAD model to the assembly. Your ProductView views will be correct where the WTPart assembly will have viewable with the components with the correct orientation and the detail WTPart with the standard viewable needed for QA.

Here is where you need top down release to lock down those 3D EPM views of parts. These 3D EPM CADdocuments should either be a save as from the original:

  • 1234456 - Number - HINGE
  • 123456_Flip_Right- HINGE RIGHT
  • 123457-BOARD (ECAD EPM)
  • 123457 - BOARD (3D CAD EPM)

The 3D EPM CAD assembly will use the 123456_Flip_Right EPM document and 123457 - BOARD (3D CAD EPM). This is where the BOM is now generated from WTPart. You will manually place the WTPart of the hinge and board that is associated to 1234456 - Number - HINGE and 123457-BOARD (ECAD EPM) respectively to the WTPART assembly BOM.

Ususally you can create the WTPART BOM in advance as part of the marketing BOM or top level BOM.

With ECN with top down release functionality, You can place the WTParts and CAD drawings into the ECN/change activities and programatitcally go through the relationships of EPM to get the latest iteration of "As Stored" to pull all the decribing or structure of CAD EPM documents to be force to release with the package of WTParts and EPM drawings. This package of items can be placed into a baseline where it is tied to the ECN. Thus, you don't have to see all CAD views of the part in the ECN, but just look at the baseline. Not the entire organization would like to see 3D CAD view representations into an ECN. It's mostly the drawing and WTParts.

I hope this helps,



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