Terminology is everything here as well as many places in Windchill...
1. Workflow Processes result from Workflow Templates.
2. Each Workflow Template may have multiple Template Activities (the head icons).
3. Each Template Activity results in an Assigned Activity at run-time.
4. Each Assigned Activity results in one or more Work Items, depending on the Role(s) / Participant(s) assigned and dynamically resolved as the Activity is assigned. Example: Assign to the Mfg Engr Role, to which Joe and Sue are assigned >> 2 Work Items.
5. Each Work Item is somewhat independent after creation. Each can be re-assigned, thru Re-Assign or Calendar Delegation. Joe's Work Item could end up with Frank, and Sue's Work Item could end up with John.
6. If the Activity is configured as ANY, then any one user can Accept, which doesn't change that user's Work Item, but deletes all other Work Items.
7. Finally, once the Activity has been executed, the Work Item(s) change to Completed state. OTB, Work Items get deleted once the current preference limit has been reached, on a queue. OTB, this is at 200 Work Items, dropping the system back to 100 each time.
Workflow Processes may be searched on; Work Items may not.
Query Builder reports can report on all; but only until each Work Item is deleted.
So, the inventory of stuff consists of:
- Workflow Templates, consisting of Activity Templates and other things
- Workflow processes, consisting of Assigned Activities and other things
- Executed Work Items, which get deleted once they build up (subject to a preference)
- Records of Workflow voting, if the users are given routing options