Windchill Cache Recovery Tool - Version 2.06
Version 2.06 includes the following new features:
- Support for Creo 4.0 files.
- The "Recover All Iterations" option in the "Options" drop down
of the menu bar is now checked by default. After selecting files
in the Open dialog and clicking OK, the display is sorted as described
in the User Guide. If you wish to manage duplicate files manually,
uncheck this option.
- The location of the files you wish to recover is now stored in the registry.
Subsequent runs of WC_FileRecovery will automatically default to that location.
Browsing to a new location will update the registry entry. If that location
no longer exists, WC_FileRecovery will default to the user’s homedrive and homepath.
- New file subtypes are supported:
- Recovered files are logged each time you initiate a recover operation.
The log files are stored in the same location as the files being recovered.
The log files are named in the following format:
Ron Thellen