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We would like to provide access toexternal vendors outside of our firewall to our windchill application (we intend to create aproject, in which we willshare the required information and provide access to that project for the vendors)
Is reverse proxy the only way to acheive this, or is there any other way toget this done.If someone has already configured the windchill app to work with the external vendors, could you please share your experience with me. Also if someone has a document which describes how this could be achieved, that will be really great.
Rajesh Balasundaram
I use port fowarding on on my firewall, and limit access to the vendors IP address, and the port is also on a time schedule. I created a subdomain on my DNS to point to the server.
Our Windchill is not accessible directly from the internet for security reasons. Users must first connect to our intranet.
When at the office, WI-FI and LAN allow direct access but outside the office, (home, hotel, airport etc...) we use a vpn connection which connect us to our intranet and then we can access Windchill
This is also the technique we use with our external suppliers and sub contracts and it works very well for us.
Regarding access to PDMLink or ProjectLink is not done for us via VPN but access permission for in Windchill
In Reply to Rajesh Balasundaram:
We would like to provide access toexternal vendors outside of our firewall to our windchill application (we intend to create aproject, in which we willshare the required information and provide access to that project for the vendors)Is reverse proxy the only way to acheive this, or is there any other way toget this done.If someone has already configured the windchill app to work with the external vendors, could you please share your experience with me. Also if someone has a document which describes how this could be achieved, that will be really great.
Rajesh Balasundaram