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How I can import Project data with the use of wt.load.LoadFromFile?
Where can I find examples? Based on a example WTPart import in "Windchill Data LoadingReference and BestPractices Guide" do next:
>windchill wt.load.LoadFromFile <path>\Windchill\loadXMLFiles\generalProjectTemplate.xml -CONT_PATH/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=MuOrg/Default/Projects
And got the result code: 9 or 5. What does this code and where you can see a list of these result codes?
Is the correct method I use to load data Project?
Hi Vasiliy,
Here Is an article we have on the codes returned:
Also Creation of Projects is not supported with this utility, as seen in this article:
Although looking at your example it looks like we are loading a template.
Here is an example for that:
windchill wt.load.LoadFromFile-d "C: \ ptc \ Windchill_10.1 \ Windchill \ loadFiles \ projectlink \ demodata \ PJLDemoProject.xml"
-CONT_PATH \ "/ wt.inf.container.OrgContainer = demo organization \"