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I check out WTDocument sand check in using I*E Tasks. As a result I end up with modified by value with the current session user. But I would like to overwrite and give a different value for this attribute. How is that possible? I tried the below code and it doesn't work.
<ie:webject name="CheckIn-Objects" type="ACT">
<ie:param name="FIELD" data=""/">
Any idea? How Can I ser the modified by user to different name?
try invoking IE task with that user itself. Like with Java code, invoke as below. I never tested, but it might work.
final Task task = new Task("myTask.xml");
task.addParam("param1", param1value);
task.addParam("param2", param2value);
You can use below API to set the iteration creator/modifier iteration, WTPrincipalReference creator);
if you are using Webject then you can change the session using “Start-Session“ and “End-Session” Webjects