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Ramping up to some wtPart efforts!.
We have CAD docs, assemblies and etc. in WC 10.0 M030; I was assuming that OOTB Auto-Associate of a CAD doc to a wtPart would 1. Create a product structure / design BOM if the CAD doc had it (i.e Pro/e .asm file) and 2. wtPart would end up with the viewables from the CAD doc, thumbnails and all. I did not experience either of these things to happen.
Should they have happened?
How do I make them happen?
Thanks -V
So, it does create wtPart structure and viewable when the CAD doc is checked-in.
Is there a way to create wtPart structure and viewable without modifying the CAD doc?
You can auto associate WTPart with "owner" linkto all your CADDocs in A Workspace (No need to checkout the CADDocs)
And then use the new CAD to Part Comparator (action menu from the info page of your top CADDoc asm)
to build the WTPart bill of material, propagate attributes and PView viz ...
Some can also be set up to drive behaviour of the WTPart PView viz, notably when WTPart iterates "alone" (for example when adding a WTDoc ..)