zyuan1 has earned 27 badges!
FavoriteDec 22, 2023Earned by 419Congratulations on receiving 100 kudos. You are becoming a community favorite!
Knowledge Beginner (3)Nov 16, 2022Earned by 98Your knowledge shared in articles you created or improved helped the first few customers solve their issues
Knowledge Collaborator (10)Oct 17, 2022Earned by 11Your knowledge contributions helped your team make more knowledge contributions
WorthyFeb 04, 2022Earned by 819Congratulations on receiving 50 kudos on the PTC Community! You are worthy of recognition.
InvaluableFeb 04, 2022Earned by 1371Congratulations on receiving 25 kudos! Your contributions are invaluable!
DeservingFeb 04, 2022Earned by 2486You have received 10 kudos. You deserve to be recognized.
First Kudo ReceivedFeb 04, 2022Earned by 9082You have received your first kudo to the community. Receiving kudos means your community peer appreciated your post!
Trusted AdvisorApr 10, 2021Earned by 151Congratulations, 50 of your contributions have been marked as solutions! Thanks for helping solve so many issues. The community appreciates it!
Topic StarterApr 10, 2021Earned by 5444You have contributed 5 new topics to the community and on your way to a true Conversationalist.
The IntellectualApr 10, 2021Earned by 140Congratulations on contributing 500 replies to our community! We greatly appreciate the time you take to offer your views and knowledge.
SupporterApr 10, 2021Earned by 4584You have posted 5 kudos to the community. Thanks for your support.
SavvyApr 10, 2021Earned by 283Congratulations on contributing 250 replies and putting great thought into our community. You are Savvy! Great thinker, great mind.
ResponderApr 10, 2021Earned by 2037Congratulations on contributing 25 replies to our community and being so responsive!
ResourcerApr 10, 2021Earned by 2558You have posted 10 kudos to the community. You are a great resource of positivity!
PanelistApr 10, 2021Earned by 4238You have posted 10 replies to the community. We're loving the good conversations!
JournalistApr 10, 2021Earned by 1125Congratulations on contributing 50 replies to our community and articulating your thoughts. Keep it up!
Great ThinkerApr 10, 2021Earned by 160Congratulations on contributing 450 replies and providing such great insight to your fellow community members.
First TopicApr 10, 2021Earned by 30907Hats off for posting your first discussion to the community!
First ReplyApr 10, 2021Earned by 24186You have posted your first reply to the community. Posting replies is the best way to get involved. We look forward to your next contributions!
First KudoApr 10, 2021Earned by 18034You have posted your first kudo to the community. Providing kudos is a great way to encourage other community members.
First Accepted SolutionApr 10, 2021Earned by 3352One of your replies has been accepted as a solution. Thanks for the help and congrats on your first accepted solution!
EngagerApr 10, 2021Earned by 7537You have posted 5 replies to the community. Thanks for keeping the conversation going!
ConversationalistApr 10, 2021Earned by 212Congratulations on contributing 350 replies and carrying on such great conversations in our community!
Community HelperApr 10, 2021Earned by 741Thanks for continuing to lend a hand by answering questions. 5 of your replies have been marked as accepted solutions!
Clever TipsterApr 10, 2021Earned by 47210 of your replies have been marked as accepted solutions. Thanks for all of your notable contributions to the community!
AdvisorApr 10, 2021Earned by 255Congratulations, 25 of your contributions have been marked as solutions! Thanks for coming to the rescue by sharing your knowledge.
AdvisorApr 10, 2021Earned by 663Congratulations on contributing 100 replies to our community. Your valuable insights are greatly appreciated!