LM_10170419 has earned 12 badges!
First KudoJan 03, 2024Earned by 18002You have posted your first kudo to the community. Providing kudos is a great way to encourage other community members.
First ReplyJan 03, 2024Earned by 24154You have posted your first reply to the community. Posting replies is the best way to get involved. We look forward to your next contributions!
First TopicJan 03, 2024Earned by 30857Hats off for posting your first discussion to the community!
200 Articles ReadAug 21, 2023Earned by 12054Knowledge is power. Thank you for reading 200 PTC eSupport articles.
1st Windchill Perf. AdvisorMay 22, 2023Earned by 1521You accessed Windchill Performance Advisor for the first time! Thank you for monitoring your Windchill usage details!
1st Creo Perf. AdvisorMay 22, 2023Earned by 2102You accessed Creo Performance Advisor for the first time! Thank you for monitoring your company's Creo usage details!
100 Articles ReadMay 22, 2023Earned by 17881Congratulations on reading 100 PTC eSupport articles articles. You are a collector of knowledge.
50 Articles ReadMay 22, 2023Earned by 25616Way to go! You have read 50 PTC eSupport articles. Keep learning!
10 Articles ReadMay 22, 2023Earned by 51864Learning is important to you. You read 10 PTC eSupport articles so far!
1st Recommendation ReadMay 22, 2023Earned by 2968You have read your first system recommendation! Thank you for being proactive in taking steps to upgrade your system's health!
1st Article ReadMay 22, 2023Earned by 110605Congratulations on reading your first PTC eSupport article!
1st On-Demand ScanMay 22, 2023Earned by 738You completed your first On-Demand System Scan! Thank you for being proactive in checking your system's health!