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I am NEW user to PRo-PIPING

may i know how to create mcat file?

And how to setup project? creating library?

Please Help me

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Regrettably, your question is unanswerable in this format. Your question is far too complex and the answer far too intricate to offer here. To draw a parallel, you may as well have asked: "Please tell me the entire history of the world... thank you!"

Your only real options are:

  • Read the help files for Pro/PIPING (Spec Driven if you want to work on mcat files)
  • Take the PTC University training
  • Hire someone who already understands how to set this up

As a side note, if you decide to hire someone, let me know who you're considering. There are several companies out there who specialize in such things. There's one company I really dislike but the others are decent.

I realize this is a dodge to your original question- but this topic is hopelessly more convoluted, complex, and tricky than you'd ever imagine.

PTC does provide you with a 'stock' set of catalog files with each installation of Wildfire/Creo. Even with these and the help files, deciphering how these files work together to create a spec driven piping catalog is a tough task. If you have more specific questions, please ask them. Perhaps we can help in small bits and pieces to get you where you want.



Dear Brain:

Actually we are one of very pouplar water plant company, we never used pro-e to design water plant, we have used aveva PDMS.

I am the ony user to whole company to work on pro-e, i just know to work in part, surface, Sheetmetal and assembely. I am not expert, I have knowledge to work on those platform.

Actually now we have planned to arrange training regarding pro-piping, and basic of pro-e, like how creating parts and working on assembely etc.

my question is? if we arrange training class from PTC university, they will teach us about how to setting a new project library and configuration option for part, sheetmetal,assembely, piping? how to work on those platforms.

Because in local markets they just know to work at user level, they dosen't know much deep they and have not teached to any peoples yet.

Then tell me a good trainer about piping and basic learning of pro-e, could you please refer us, we are from INDIA,Chennai. If the trainer was in abroad also no issues, my organisation can arrange class, if the package is affordable to organisation.

Thank you




Hi Viswanathan,

To be perfectly honest, no... PTC University will not be enough to suit your needs. PTC's classes on piping do touch upon the catalog files but they do not cover them in sufficient depth to help you set them up on your own. While I'm sure PTC would happily supply someone to help you with this, you'll be paying accordingly for such a high level of support.

If you're in India, there are probably several firms that could help you. You'll be paying them a hefty fee, too... but likely much, much less than someone from Europe or the US. Setting up the configuration and catalog files for "Spec Driven" piping in Pro/E is tricky. Once you get the hang of it, things start to make sense. But there are many details and you really do need someone with experience to help you.

I did this kind of consulting/setup work for a New Jersey company. We set up Routed Systems Designer, Spec Driven Piping, and ISOGEN ... in one week. We didn't quite finish everything in that week but we got very close. Our classes ran 12-13 hours per day. This was definitely a "custom" class and I believe the charge was ~ $8,000.

It sounds like you're after something like this:

  • Complete Pro/E Basic Training + Detailing (Drawings)
  • Advanced Part/Advanced Assembly Training
  • Pro/PIPING Training
  • Setup and configuration of Spec Driven Piping

That's about three weeks worth of work but if you're ambitious you might be able to do it in two weeks. If all of your people are starting completely from scratch, then you might be better off taking it a bit slower. If I were quoting a job like that, I'd quote $20,000 total for up to 10 students (plus expenses). I have no idea how that translates in India. Maybe that's really high in your country. This would include all training plus setup and configuration. There's quite a bit of work involved... my advice would be to be very specific in what you're looking for. Solicit quotes from reliable, reputable firms, and try to get a detailed offer in writing.

Feel free to write back if there's anything we can do to help you on your way.

Thanks and good luck!


Dear Brain:

In india rupee it was so high, but in my office no one knows about pro-e they need training from basic, sketch,part,assembely and piping. Small doubt you will teach us about also configuration and library set up for all modules? that which all training we have asked.

Then if i came to EUROPE or U.S how much we have to pay? Then our headoffice in france.

Could you teach us about those thing, I will disscus to my M.D and let you know, but the cost $20,000 was hefty. once again go through your qoute reply it.

so your saying that from PTC also they will not teach us in depth. They will just teach us how to setup that's it?

And we are getting license from LONDON, so not to worry about software support.

Thanks for you soon response

thank you




Hi Viswanathan...

I apologize for the delay- work has been overwhelming lately.

In my previous email, I was giving you a hypothetical quote based upon my estimate of what a company in my country would have to pay for the type of training and consulting you need. In my understanding, India has a strong user base for PTC products. It's very likely there are consulting firms in India that could help you for much less than you could hire a consultant from the United States or Europe.

In my original email, I wasn't actually considering coming to India! But then I spoke to my wife and she thought it was a great idea. So then let's discuss what you actually need...

The PTC training classes are good at giving you a basic overview of the software. For example, if you take a class on piping, you will learn most of the piping functions. You'll learn the most common applications for the piping package and how it works in conjunction with other PTC software (like Creo Schematics). You'll also do several exercises that get you acquainted with the software in such a way that you can continue learning on your own once you return to work. If you want anything deeper than that, you won't get it from the standard PTC classes.There's just not enough time in a standard class to offer that level of depth.

PTC (or another consulting firm) would be very happy to provide you with additional consulting services. After you pay for training, they'll be glad to send you a consultant with experience in piping to get you up and running. The consultant will help you with any configurations while answering questions along the way. All of this comes with a fee. The more you're willing to pay, the more they're willing to help. This is not really cost effective. If you have tons of money, you'll do fine. If you're on a tight budget, you'll get some basic assistance and the rest is up to you to figure out.

When I perform consulting work for companies, I take a different approach. When I offer piping or cabling training, I start by offering the same type of "basic" training PTC gives. Then I go beyond the basics and try to give in depth, detailed training on using the software in the 'real world' using your own company's models. Finally, I help set up and configure your environment so you can sit down and use the software right away. This is a very customized approach to training. Many times the training materials are completely customized for your company. This gives you a much deeper, richer training. Plus, before I leave the site, everything is set up so you can begin work right away.

The trade-off is that this level of support takes a great deal of time. I have to put in significant work to develop the custom class materials and documentation for your particular configuration. Thus, this approach is more expensive. Yet, if you were to compare the cost of having PTC perform this same kind of custom work, you'd spend much more. Other consulting firms do offer this kind of service. Maybe others are cheaper... but maybe they don't offer the same quality. Then again, perhaps a consulting firm in India may be willing to do the same level of work with very high quality for much less! The only way to know is to do your homework and investigate what PTC and other consultants are willing to offer.

If you really wanted to pursue the type of comprehensive training you're requesting, we'd need to have a much longer discussion of the details. Using your original email as a guide, you seem to need the full range of training, consulting, and configuration services. Without a doubt, I can teach you and your colleagues how to use the latest PTC software starting from scratch. I can teach you all about piping and schematics. And I can help you configure your spec-driven piping library (and document it). This is truly a mountain of work and would likely take several weeks to perform. I'd have to spend at least 3 weeks in India working some very long hours to get everything done in time. I'd also need many weeks to prepare the course materials and develop a profile of your company so I understand the requirements and your specific needs.

There are likely alternative ways to offer this kind of training. For example, we could perform some of the basic training online without incurring travel costs. Once you've accomplished the basics, we could start working on advanced training. If we went with this approach, maybe only 7-10 days of travel would be required to complete the configuration work onsite.

There are many, many possibilities for achieving your training and configuration goals. Although there are benefits to having the instructor right there in the room with you, it's probably not necessary to hire a consultant to travel to India for a month for training. Or- you could take the PTC classes to give you the basics then hire an outside consultant to handle the advanced training and configuration. There are too many possibilities to cover them all in one email. But if you're seriously considering a full, comprehensive training anc configuration package... I can submit a formal quote.

I just want to make sure you (and everyone else) reading this to know I'm not trying to push you into this course of action. Although I tend to be very inexpensive compared to other consultants, this is still a large project. There are plenty of other capable firms out there who'd love to quote this. And there are plenty of approaches to this project that don't require as much travel. I don't want anyone to have the impression that I'm attempting to take advantage of you because that's not in my nature. In fact, if it weren't for the insistance of my wife, I'd probably not even consider tackling such a huge project.

Let me know how you'd like to proceed. I'll quote the project if you wish, help you sort through the quotes of other qualified consultants, or simply lend advice. Whatever you need, I'll be happy to help.

Thanks and best regards,


Dear Brain

Sorry for late reply. In my ooffice they have been hold project for sometime.

Could you please tell me how to create master catalog file?

Else help me by step by step to create master catalog file?

Mr. Brain

Why not replied yet?

Please reply soon.

Thanks you


Viswanathan .K

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