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Adding graphics to a surface


Adding graphics to a surface

Pro WF3

I have created a flat label and added graphics to is by using the "Appearance Editor".

Steps I did to do this:

Created a new material, Go to the "Map" tab, click on the "Color Texture" and add in my tiff file, then apply it to the surface of my model. So far so good.

After saving the model and the appearance editor in the working directory I exit out of Proe. When I restart ProE and openup my model, the graphics do not show. I have to open the appearance.dmt file that I saved and the graphics come back.

How do I permanately apply the graphics to the model? This is a real problem for the drawing that references the graphics.


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In Reply to Greg Merz:

The answer isthe option"save_texture_with_model", default is set to no, change to yes. Go figure!

My thanks to Ronald Thellen

Pro WF3

I have created a flat label and added graphics to is by using the "Appearance Editor".

Steps I did to do this:

Created a new material, Go to the "Map" tab, click on the "Color Texture" and add in my tiff file, then apply it to the surface of my model. So far so good.

After saving the model and the appearance editor in the working directory I exit out of Proe. When I restart ProE and openup my model, the graphics do not show. I have to open the appearance.dmt file that I saved and the graphics come back.

How do I permanately apply the graphics to the model? This is a real problem for the drawing that references the graphics.


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