I have 4 patterns of points along 4 different curves. I have been asked to
provide the coordinates of each point relative to a master coordinate
I have tried an analysis feature, which gives me distance_x, distance_y and
distance_z for a given point on a given curve. I can reference pattern these
analysis features along the curve.
However, I want to use these distance values in a spreadsheet, so I need to
export them, as a text file, or as an excel file.
Now, if I click on each analysis feature in the model tree, right click,
model parameters, file, export, save, I can create a separate text file for
each of the 115 analysis features. I can then open each text file separately
and copy and paste the values into a single text file.
However, life is too short.
115 sets of 3 measurements...
An awful lot of clicks.
Is there a cunning way I can select a number of datum points and extract
their coordinates into another application? I'm hoping for a 'Yes' answer
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