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Assembly to dumb block


Assembly to dumb block

I would like to have an application like autobuild-z which creates a dumb block from an assembly without references to origin.


- protect your know-how when giving away models

- reduce size when giving away models

- reduce model size of STEP assemblies from suppliers when you dont want to see internals

- avoid cluttering of your database with unwanted models


As Shrinkwrap does not always produce good models I have to

- load the STEP-assembly into my template designasm

- merge all components to a merge part

- export the merge part to STEP (IGES)

- import the STEP (IGES) part into my template solidpart


This procedure provides me with parts up to my standards and with my parameters.


I think this could be automated by an application which could bypass the export/import procedure to avoid faults


Reinhard Nueckel

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