As the original post suggested, it doesn't do you any good when you can
select an object, but not be able to do any action on it (or get weird
behavior) until you select the proper tab. It's probably easier for new
users who never are seeing Pro-E for the first time with WF5, and didn't
go through the whole rev 18/19, to 2000i/i^2, 2001, to WF changes.
Yeah, user group meetings are helpful, but if you can't make the
particular one on drawings you may have to wait quite a long time for
the subject to come around again. My local user group (AFAIK) meets
only 2 times per year, I just missed the current meeting. Have to wait
until fall.
Christopher F. Gosnell
FPD Company
124 Hidden Valley Road
McMurray, PA 15317