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I have an assembly that contains a sub-assembly and several parts.
I have decided that now I do not want the sub-assembly, just all the parts contained in the sub-assembly.
Is there a way to "unassemble" or "ungroup" all the parts in the sub-assembly and still keep them all in the main assembly?
Creo 2.0 M050
Herb Spaulding
Miller Industries
First, I would like to thank everyone who responded.
I tried the EDIT/RESTRUCTURE method and the DRAG AND DROP. This worked on some of the parts, but not all.
I kept getting the message “Attempts to append parent after child. Aborting restructure”.
Apparentlysome parent /child relationships in the sub-assembly is preventing this from working on some.
Just to check - even in Creo 2 Parametric, doesn't restructure typically still leave a logical loop to the original assembly? For instance, if I have components 1, 2 and 3 in Assembly A, and decide to use restructure to put 2 & 3 in a sub-assembly called B that resides within A. - 2 and 3 still have a logical link through A to understand where they really are in the context of the assembly. So if I use sub-assembly B as a componentsomewhere else, say assembly Z, that effectively creates a dependency between A and Z. As someone else wrote, it's just superficial restructure. Despite how nice of a tool it appears to be, we've avoided using it for these reasons. I suppose one could clean up the placement constraints to correct this, but that sort of eliminates the time "savings" of the restructure command. This is how it still works, right?
Essentially how it works behind the scenes is unchaged, it's just a cleaner interaction to do a restructure in Creo 2. We'removing to Creo 2 soon and my fear is with the ability to now drag-n-drop parts, sub assemblies restructure, people will do this on accident / unintentionally. People occasionally do this in Windows Explorer and panic because they just lost an entire folder of data, when they somehow accidentally dragged it into an adjacent folder making it nested. It'd be nice if there was a "confirm restructure Yes / No" popup window that could be enabled by a config option. Definitely a function that you have to teach people to use properly, with some warnings,so they don't use it incorrectly.