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Just need to create a couple of scripts/batch files that have the Windchill or Native file locations in them.
The copy of the files controls weather the user is using Windchill or Native file locations.
Here is my Creo Launch Script file (stripped down for only 2 choices):
@echo ***********************************************************
@echo * PRESS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 OR 6 to select your task, or 7 to EXIT *
@echo ***********************************************************
@echo 1 - CTS Creo7/Windchill 11.1
@echo 4 - CTS Creo7 Native Filing (No Windchill)
@echo 7 - EXIT
@SET /P M=Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 then press ENTER:
@IF %M%==1 goto cts1
@IF %M%==4 goto cts2
@IF %M%==7 goto exit
@echo CTS/Creo7/Windchill 11.1
@del "%userprofile%\"
@copy "X:\OR\Engineering\Systems\PTC_Settings\Configs\" "%userprofile%\"
@call "X:\OR\Engineering\Systems\PTC\Creo7070\Parametric\bin\parametric.bat"
goto exit
@echo CTS No Windchill
@del "%userprofile%\"
@copy "X:\OR\Engineering\Systems\PTC_Settings\Configs\" "c:\users\%username%\"
@call "X:\OR\Engineering\Systems\PTC\Creo7070\Parametric\bin\parametric.bat"
goto exit
Hello @GiFra_Label
I encourage whoever who as shareable scripts to share them here.
I can nevertheless try to provide some guidance. Consider first importance of:
Therefore, starting point of script can look like what follows:
set PTC_WF_ROOT=<path>
set CREO_AGENT_HOME=<same path>
cd <Same Path>
<Command to Start Creo Parametric => path to parametric.exe>
The 2 batch files should be stored in different Working directory where Creo is supposed to start from (different folder for the standalone versus linked sessions).
Finally, each fiolder should contain a inside , slightly different, because:
Far from being exhasuitve (batch file can also doing much more things, like clearing cache, perform automatic copy of or even creo_parametric_customization.ui files BEFORE startup of Creo Parametric application), but hope this gives already a good starting point for the configuration you would like to implement in your Department.