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Is there any way to change the reference plane for a cross section? My redefine option is locked for some reason, greyed out...
I am also unable to change the plane refrence of a cross section. I beleive this is the intended functionality of Pro/E to eliminate the posibility of changing a section in a way that can cause failure to the associated drawing views. In your case, would it be difficult to re-create the section?
Hi Sam
I suppose you are right. And no, it is not that hard to create a new one... but I would like to have my view to update when I change the section. Or at least have PTC tell my that my references will be lost if I edit my cross section instead of just not letting me.
Thank you for your awnser
I see. Whenever I need to create a section that I know will change references in the future I like to first create a Datum Plane and then create a section using that datum plane. This way if you redefine the original Datum Plane then the section will update accordingly