Can any one guide me.
How to Convert step(*.stp) file to part(*.prt) file?
You can simply open it. You need to select 'All Files' in the 'Type' box in the lower right of the File > Open dialog.
Once open, Creo may ask if you want it to be a part or assy (depends on the STEP file) and for a name and then will bring in the geometry only, no features. There are tools to 'featurize' it, but I'm not familiar with them.
You can open the file directly as Doug mentioned. For us, with our particular parameters, and layer structure (with rules), it's best to create a new part using your start part, then do an: "Insert, Shared Data, From File", then simply pick the file from wherever. This way, you get everything that's supposed to be in your normal parts, and you have the file as imported geometry.
Frank you can get all of that doing Doug option too. When you are importing there is a option to choose a prototype wich you can choose as if you were creating a new part.
Set the following config option for Creo to use your default template when importing:
intf_in_use_template_models yes
True, I guess I'm just used to doing it "old school".