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Creating a label using appearance editor


Creating a label using appearance editor


Using WildFire 3

I have a EPS artwork file that is used for a label. I need to have this artwork appear on my ProE drawing. To do this, I am trying to create a new material, but I have a few questions. Also, we are using Illistrator to createan exported file to use. The part color is white (ref color 6), label color is white with black text.

What is the correct procedure for doing this? I tried usingJPG and BMT files, but I get an import error, when trying to add to "Decal and/ or Color Texture".I was able to import aTIFF file, however when I print my drawing, the outside object lines do not show up. There is a internal curve that theimage completely covers, but it still prints fine.I even tried creating a curve over the object lines, still no show!

What format should the exported file be in?

Should I use "Color Texture or Decal" under the Map tab?

Any other tips?


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