I have an assembly with some features inside as for example holes and revolutions: I would like to create and save a new part (named B) which is made by one component (named A) of that assembly + one hole of the assembly level, and at the same time keeping the relation between A and B as it was like a family table (FT).
The difficulty in using directly a FT and assemblying instances is that in the father (I've just opened a topic on this) features do not seem to be turnable off in the father (A in this case).
Does anyone know whether it is possible to do this (create the new part + having a link btween A and B, usable then in Windchill for MRP, Materials Requirements Planning) directly in the assembly by merging feature+component (intersected by this feature), such that when I do MRP I can trace back the total number of A starting from the total number of his machined variations (B (of this example) + C + D etc etc...)