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I can import a Pro-E part that was created by Our customer in Solidworks! I can
add to the part after after importing.
My question is "How can I edit the imported features?" Is there a better file type
or method of import that will allow me to edit the imported features?
I have attached a both a .step file and a Pro-E part
If you have CoCreate, you can edit the stp file and then bring it into Pro/E.
BTW, you will love the new Creo when it is available because it includes flexible modeling inside the Parametric App (Pro/E) where you can edit such neutral files you have brought into ProE.
Am I correct in thinking that CoCreate is a supplement to Pro-E?
Creo Elements/Direct 17.0 is available as a separate purchase. But you can open ProE, stp, and many other data formats and edit it. In Creo1.0, flexible modeling will be included in your creo parametric (ProE) purchase. I believe the Direct Modeling App in Creo is a separate purchase as well. The concept is a common data model that is retrievable, editable, and saved/exported for any other of these Apps. You can retrieve just about any data. If you go to the PTC Live event in Vegas you will hear all about this.
If you are using WF4, WF5, or Creo Elements/Pro feature recognition may be useful for the part you posted.
We are running WF4 here. Where would I find the Feature Recoginition Tool?
Should it have been loaded with the currentversion of WF4? Do I have to get it
as a supplemental program?
If you go to the Resource Center page there is a Free Downloads link on the the right side under Related Resources. On the page it takes you to you will find a link to it under CAD Modeling Software Downloads. I think it was offered as a download to maintenance customers and was bundled starting with WF5.
Thanks Kevin