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Extended Reported Parameters


Extended Reported Parameters



I would like to better understand the difference between the reported and extended reported parameters:…


Furthermore, I have two questions:

- sometimes when I save an assembly as shrinkwrap happens that the PRO_MP_SOURCE is set to FILE instead of ASSIGNED and all the other alternate properties are empty.

Do you know why?


- In a part where PRO_MP_SOURCE is ASIGNED, if I manually change (i.e. decrease)  the value of PRO_MP_ALT_MASS and regenerate, if I check the Analysis - Mass Properties - Assigned, what I often notice is that the INERTIA TENSOR at CENTER OF GRAVITY changes a lot ( i.e. inertia values increase of one order of magnitude).

Obs. that the position of the center of gravity is not changing.

How is computed the assigned inertia at the center of gravity? shouldn't be using only the alternate parameters?



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