Is there a way to create a repeat region on a drawing of a part with a family table and NOT have it display all the rows of the family table? I was given a work around where you create a seperate repeat region for each row of the family table and then create a filter to set the value to the family table row name. Sure seems like there should be a way to do this DIRECTLY just by entering the right, specific coding into a multirow repeat region to have it display correctly. Anyone know how to do this?
That sounds really "messed up", it's actually fairly simple and is covered in Help. Unless they improved upon the topic it isn't too clear without a little reasoning or effort. If I recall correctly you create the 2D Repeat Region and then write a filter listing either the familytable columns you don't want displayed, or possibly the ones youdo want displayed, seperated by a coma. It's been a little while since I worked on one. It's actually pretty straight forward once you get the logic.